  • 學位論文


The Political Economy of the Development of Kaohsiung City

指導教授 : 蕭全政


城市發展與市民的食衣住行、生活起居、就業營生、建立家庭、休閒娛樂,及社交活動息息相關,城市定位是城市發展的方向盤。城市定位若正確,則城市資源稟賦能做最有效的發揮,必然讓城市更具競爭力。高雄市的定位與發展,深受國內外政經因素與變遷影響,在國際層面,大航海時代以來的重商主義,固然影響高雄的發展,但資本主義擴張,亦在在影響高雄的命運。其次,從國內層面看,鄭成功的入台與清廷疏治,固然影響高雄的政經變遷,後來日本的殖民統治與國民政府遷台,亦都影響高雄市的發展。 『地緣價值』是高雄市四百多年來,城市定位與發展中,最核心的利基。高雄市的發展,幾乎可說皆緣於國際強權對「地緣政治」與「地緣經濟」的選擇及運用。國際貿易中繼港,是高雄市發展過程中,最重要的城市定位。1860年列強要求打狗開港是高雄港市第一次跳躍式的大進步。1908年日據時代,打狗港共有三次擴建計畫是高雄港市第二次跳躍式大成長,1958年國民政府展開高雄港12年擴建計劃是高雄港市第三次跳躍式大長成。在台灣有統治者以來,所經歷的五次政府更替,每一次統治者都把高雄當作政權保衛的軍事要塞基地。 高雄市的現代化產業也有3個定位發展關鍵決策:(一)1937年,日本於戰時體制南進基地化的積極推行,幫高雄市奠定了未來國防、重工、石化業的基礎。(二)1966年成立的第一個高雄加工出口區,1970年代的十大建設中的中鋼、中船、中油等深化鞏固高雄的重工發展。(三) 1969年高雄港開始試建貨櫃碼頭,至2009年運作中有五個貨櫃儲運中心,並曾經為世界第三大貨櫃港。 1998年高雄市謝長廷市長提出「海洋首都」的城市定位,面對二十一世紀高雄市,一方面要爭取中央政府的重點支持,擔任國家級知識經濟產業重心,另一方面,也要確認全球城市的定位,加緊全球化網際網絡的連結及城市的全球治理,展開與世界的對話,同時把高雄市的在地特色與全球分享。


Urban function is the steering wheel of urban development; urban development and civilian are connected by ordinary life, recreation and social activities. The precision of urban function leads to the efficiency of resource logistics, which turns a city more competitive. Changes in political and economical factors have impacted the function and development of Kaohsiung City both nationally and internationally. Regarding international aspect, not only the commercialism which originated from the Age of Discovery but the expansion of capitalism has influenced the development of Kaohsiung City. On the national aspect, the ruling of Zheng Chenggong, Qing Dynasty, Japan colonial government and the retreated of Nationalist Government are factors which led to political and economical changes. For the passed four hundred years, “geo-value” has been the core niche in the urban function and development of Kaohsiung City. The development of Kaohsiung City can be traced back to the implementation of geopolitics and geo-economics by International Powers. Being a junction port for international trading is the most important urban function for Kaohsiung City. A great leap for Kaohsiung City in 1860 was to officially open Takao port which claimed by the Great Powers. The second leap in 1908 under the ruling of Japan was three expansion projects for Takao port. In 1958 the Nationalist Government conducted a twelve-year expansion project of the Kaohsiung Harbor was the third leap. Kaohsiung has been taken as a military fortress base for political preservation by different administrative among five political transition. There are three functioning policies for the modern industries in Kaohsiung. First in 1937, when Japan was aggressively expanding southward, the colonial government in Taiwan constructed industries in defense, heavy industry and petrochemical. The first Kaohsiung Export Processing Zone established in 1966, and the Ten Major Construction Projects which included China Steel Factory, China Shipbuilding Corporation and Chinese Petroleum Corporation strengthened local hard industry. The third policy was to build container terminal at Kaohsiung port in 1969. Recently until 2009 there are five container logistic centers in operation and Kaohsiung was once the third largest container port in the world. Former Kaohsiung Mayer Frank Hsieh proposed the City as Maritime Capital in 1998. Facing the twenty-first century, the Kaohsiung city government needs support from central government to become the core of national knowledge-driven economy. On the other hand it is necessary to define the function of global city, connect with global network, global governance of the city, start dialogue with the world and share local characters universally.


台灣銀行經濟研究室,1954 。台灣經濟史初級,台北:台灣銀行。
台灣銀行經濟研究室,1956 。台灣經濟史四集,台北:台灣銀行。
台灣銀行經濟研究室,1957 b。清代台灣經濟史,台北:台灣銀行。


