  • 學位論文


Using the Mechanism of Certificate to prevent from Caller Id Spoofing

指導教授 : 李肇林
共同指導教授 : 劉長遠(Cheng-Yuan Liou)


隨著科技的日新月異,我們生活中擁有更多方便的資源。從前,相隔兩地的人要彼此問候、取得聯繫,是非常不容易之事。自從電話發明以來,地球上人與人間的溝通變得不受空間限制,即使身處地球兩端仍可隨時交談。電話無疑讓人的生活更加便利,但事情都有兩面的,電話在帶給我們利益及方便的同時,有心人士卻也利用其便利性,使用電話進行詐騙,讓許多電話之使用者聞詐色變,對於每一通電話都抱著消極懷疑的態度,甚至覺得乾脆別接電話就不會受騙上當。 為了讓大眾能享有電話之便利卻不矇受詐騙之害,在此篇論文提出將憑證機制運用於電話之中,運用一般家庭擁有之設備,及政府所推行之憑證制度,讓電話之接聽者能夠知道來電者之身份,以降低來電顯示錯誤而無法確認來電者身份所造成之遺憾。


As the improvement of technology, we live our lives with more convenient resources. It was not such an easy thing to get touch with each other long time ago. Since the invention of the telephone, communicating with people who live in the opposite part of the earth is no longer an impossible mission. The telephone is no doubt a great invention, but it is also a double-sided sword. When the telephone offer us advantage and convenient service, people with bad purposes take advantage of the convenience to cheat phone users by changing caller id. It makes many phone users feel terrified and start to doubt every incoming call. Users even think that the best way to guard against cheating is never answering the phone with unfamiliar caller id. In order to enjoy the convenience offered by the telephone without taking a risk of being cheated because of Caller ID Spoofing, we propose that pending the mechanism of certificate to phone calls. The service can offer the information of the caller to the callee by some equipment which already exist in ordinary family and the electronic certificate the government is put into effort. It can reduce the cases of caller id spoofing by offering callee caller’s name.


MOICA caller-id spoofing certificate public key private key PKI


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