  • 學位論文


Cloud Computing Service Development Possibility Analysis

指導教授 : 曹承礎


新資訊技術的採用對企業而言是一項涉及金額龐大且極富挑戰性的決策,加以政府法令的催促與客戶的要求,企業決策者,尤其對中小企業,須在極短的時間內做出最佳決策,實屬不易。 雲端運算是網際網路的是範例轉移。時至今日,無論是學界或是業界,尚未對於雲端運算給出清楚詳盡的定義。企業與個人為什麼需要雲端運算?如何從雲端運算中獲益,進而獲利?是目前最令人期待的答案。 本論文借助雲端運算成功案例,以雲端運算的特性為基礎,分析得出雲端運算提供價值的公式,比對台灣相關政府方案,一窺雲端運算服務發展的可行性,進而對台灣雲端運算產業提出建議與方向。


Decision of new Information Technology adoption to a business is challenging and in-volving an investment with enormous expense. In addition, pressure from government and request from customer, it’s never an easy and quick decision, especially for small and medium business. Cloud computing is one of “Paradigm Shift” of Internet. Till now, no clear definition is given by the industry and the academic. Why do the enterprise and the individual need Cloud Computing? How do the enterprise and the individual benefit from Cloud Com-puting, moreover, profit from it? Answers toward those questions are expected most nowadays. This thesis leverages Cloud Computing successful and real cases and retrieve the equa-tion of “Cloud Computing Value Creation” based on Cloud Computing attributes. Comparing it with the related policy from Taiwan Government, this thesis analyzes the possibility of Cloud Computing Service development, and further, provides suggestion and direction on Cloud Computing industry in Taiwan.


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