  • 學位論文


How Do the Broker and Agency Channels Affect the Performance of Life Insurance Companies? The Case of Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳業寧


在金融控股公司法通過後,台灣保險業發展已趨於成熟,壽險通路也日益競爭且多元,加以壽險公司之商品特性,所以壽險公司仰賴通路甚深。而近年來,壽險通路由過去以傳統壽險業務員通路為主要通路的情況,漸漸轉為以銀行保險通路為主的銷售狀況,而銀行保險通路屬於保經代通路之一環,也就是表示目前保經代通路之總保費收入已經超越業務員通路許多,所以本研究欲了解台灣壽險業目前最重要的保經代通路其對壽險業者之績效影響,以了解此種通路策略持續的發展是否會對壽險業者造成傷害,抑或者是有更大的績效利益存在。 而根據過去的文獻,以及壽險業本身之特性,本研究選出四個主要的績效指標,包括新契約成長率、新契約市佔率、損失率和保單繼續率作為應變數,並且以保經代通路之保費收入比率作為自變數,加入可以捕捉銀行保險通路效果之變數,以了解整體保經代通路對壽險業者之主要績效指標影響,及了解近年來增加非常快速的銀行保險通路銷售,對壽險業者之績效是否有正面的影響。 本研究之實證結果顯示整體保經代通路本身代理問題以及通路衝突問題較為嚴重,使得較為依賴保經代通路的壽險公司,新契約成長率以及保單繼續率皆較低;保經代通路中的銀行保險通路,本研究之實證結果顯示因為銀行保險通路和壽險公司有策略聯盟的合作效果,所以當壽險公司依賴銀行通路較深,可以提升壽險公司之新契約市佔率以及保單繼續率。 本研究建議未來壽險業者在發展通路策略時,可以根據此實證研究結果,調升對壽險公司績效有正面影響的銀行保險通路之比重,但調降對壽險公司績效有負面效果之傳統保險經紀人以及保險代理人通路。


Taiwan's insurance industry has been mature since 2001, the financial holding company act taking effect; therefore, the distribution channels of life insurance industry are diversiform and competitive now. In addition, because of the traits of policies, Taiwan's insurance companies rely heavily on distribution channels. In the past, the major trend of channels is salesman, however, Bancassurance, which is included in insurance agency and broker channel, has became the most popular channel in life insurance industry recently. Hence, this research want to analyze the performance effect of broker and agency channel, the most important channel in Taiwan life insurance industry, and to understand which channel has positive influence. Based on the past studies, this research proposed four hypotheses which used new policies growth rate, new policies market share, loss ratio and policies persistency rate as dependent variables to run panel data regression model, and the independent variables are the portion of premium from broker and agency channel and the bank dummy variable to distinguish the effect of bank channels. The results showed there are channel conflicts and agency problem in Taiwan life insurance broker and agency channel, so it had negative influence on performance; nevertheless, there is cooperation relationship between bank and life insurance companies, bank channel had positive effect in performance. This study concluded that life insurance companies could promote bank channels and reduce the portion of traditional broker and agency channels.


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