  • 學位論文


An Experimental Study on Enhancing Junior High School Students’Humor Literacy

指導教授 : 李蘭
共同指導教授 : 賴美淑


一、研究目的 透過自行設計的課程以提升國中生之幽默識讀能力,使他們能夠判別幽默訊息的合宜性,並以適當的方式表現幽默。 二、材料與方法 本研究採準實驗研究設計。立意選取實習單位作為研究場域,從八年級的班級中,選取四個班級,這些班級的全體學生為研究樣本。其中,兩班為「實驗組」;另外兩班為「校內對照組」。為避免實驗擴散造成之干擾,從鄰近一所性質及規模相近的國中,再選取兩班八年級學生,當作「校外對照組」。實驗組參與每週一次,每次一節,共五週之幽默識讀課程;校內對照組和校外對照組並未參與相同課程。為探討介入課程的有效性,以自製問卷,在實驗前、實驗剛結束、結束一個月後,分別進行前測、後測及後後測。所有資料完成連結之後,使用SAS9.2版軟體進行統計分析。最後,以複迴歸分析控制個人與環境因素後,驗證介入對提升實驗組之「幽默識讀能力」,同時具有立即效果與延宕效果。 三、結果與建議 本研究發現,「實驗組」在五次課程剛結束,以及結束一個月後,幽默識讀能力明顯高於「校內對照組」與「校外對照組」。也就是說,實驗課程具有良好的介入效果。在課程回饋方面,實驗組學生給予高度評價,表示上課能實際提升其對幽默技巧的理解與應用,也能幫助其增進人際關係。因此,建議將本研究執行之幽默識讀課程推廣到其他國中。


幽默 青少年 識讀能力


1.Aims The purpose of this study was to enhance adolescents’ humor literacy. Through designed courses, adolescents were able to judge if a humorous information is appropriate or not, and to express humor in appropriate way. 2.Material and method Based on quasi-experimental design, four classes of the eighth graders in the internship unit were chosen as the sample. Two classes were assigned as the experimental group while the other two as the control. In order to avoid interference spreading, another two classes of the eighth graders from a nearby school with similar size and nature were selected as the outside control group. Courses that enhance the humor literacy were intervened in the experiment group, an hour a week for five weeks. To evaluate the immediate and extended effects of experimental intervention, pretest, post test and post-post test were implemented by structured questionnaires. Multiple regression analysis was used to validate the immediate and extened effects of intervention. 3.Results and suggestions After intervention and one month later, the humor literacy of the experimental group is significantly higher than that of the inside and outside controls. That is to say, the self-designed courses are effective for enhancing the students’ humor literacy. Furthermore, students of experimental groups offer a high appraisal in curriculum feedback. They expressed that they had further understanding and higher application of humor skills and built better interpersonal relationships with others. Thus, it was suggested to promote the humor literacy courses to other junior high schools.


humor adolescent literacy


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