  • 學位論文


Research on the Entry Stategies of Taiwan Digital Publishing Industry Landing in China

指導教授 : 陳明通


本論文是研究臺灣數位出版業進入大陸市場應有的策略,在研究方法上是採用文本分析法、五力分析法及SWOT分析法三種分析方法,藉此研究期能針對三個問題提出解答:一、大陸市場對台灣數位出版業者的吸引力和進入障礙為何?二、台灣數位出版業者的發展利基和先天限制為何?三、台灣數位出版業者進入大陸市場的適合策略為何?   針對第一個問題,本研究認為大陸市場的吸引力在於市場廣大,且大陸數位出版業是新興產業,臺灣業者有發揮空間。而進入障礙除了官方政策限制、部分大陸數位出版業者具有在海外或香港上市背景,更推動「向前整合」,無形中拉高進入門檻,形成進入障礙。但最大的進入障礙是盜版和複製品問題,將影響臺灣數位出版業者進入大陸市場的意願。   針對第二個問題,本研究認為台灣業者的發展利基為在於強大的編輯力及兩岸出版業不同的體質差異。而先天性限制則是台灣出版業從業人員對數位科技認知不足且少有相關技術、出版社對電子書授權有疑慮、轉換成本高且數位出版版權取得不易,以及中小企業規模不利於籌措營運及擴張資金。   針對第三個問題,考慮數位出版品的特殊銷售模式,可克服地理障礙,因此本研究認為在台灣銷售至大陸以及策略聯盟,將是當前台灣數位出版業者進入大陸市場策略中,較適合的策略模式。   最後本研究對業者、政府及後續研究者分別提出建議。在對業者方面,作者鑑於數位出版品的特殊散佈性,建議業者應思考是否有必要進入大陸市場,既使確定要進入大陸市場,也應在「未慮勝,先慮敗」的前提下,先思考自已是否有「競爭劣勢」。在對政府方面,作者認為由於大陸市場的開放與否,是操之在中共手上,政府可發揮的空間不多,最多是在在台灣業者在經營面臨法律爭議時,協助業者排解糾紛。在對後續研究者方面,作者分別就研究方向以及本文研究限制上,提出建議,期望後續研究者能根據這些建議,使本研究主題與現實之結合,更加精進。


It is the research to discuss the most appropriate strategy for the marketers from Taiwan Digital Publishing Industry to enter the Mainland China market. Textual Analysis, Porter Five Forces Analysis and SWOT Analysis are the main tools and be applied for responding below issues raised in this research: 1. Why Mainland China market is attractive to Taiwan Digital Publisher and what are the obstacles for them to enter? 2. What are the competencies and limitations for Taiwan Digital Publishers? 3. What strategies are recommended for Taiwan Digital Publishers to apply? According to Question 1, as the market size of Mainland China is considered huge and Digital Publishing is totally a brand new industry, therefore, Taiwan Digital Publishers are attracted to enter this potential market. However, policies and controls by China Government are one of the obstacles and some Local Digital Publishers who had overseas and Hong Kong background promoted forward integration strategy also became one of the obstacles. Apart from this, piracies and illegal copies are also one of the major obstacles and it caused reluctance for Taiwan Digital Publishers to enter the Mainland China market. For Question 2, the competencies of the Taiwan Digital Publishers are specialized in editing and better industry background than Local Publishers in Mainland China. However, there are still some limitations for the Taiwan Digital Publisher such as lacking of knowledge in digital technology, skills, queries in e-book copyright, high cost, difficult to be granted the right to publish and inflexible to make further investment and run the operations smoothly for small and medium business. For Question 3, the geographic obstacles can be overcome if there is a specific marketing strategy for promoting the digital publishing items. The most appropriate and flexible strategy for Taiwan Digital Publisher to go into the Mainland China market is to set up the Strategy Alliance. At last, more suggestions are recommended to the digital publishers, Taiwan government and further researches. The marketers are recommended to think twice and well-planned about the strategies as well as their competencies and obstacles beforehand. Since, China government dominants the market, hence, The Taiwan government is suggested to provide legal aid for the marketers who plan to enter the Mainland China market instead. Finally, other researchers are also welcomed to provide their own point of views and share their experiences in order to enrich the contents and findings in this research.


李惠琳(2010)。政府點火 數位出版產值 2013年破千億。國際投資季刊,42,4-7。
