  • 學位論文


Cost Comparison of Photovoltaic Systems in Taiwan: Internalizing External Benefits of Reducing CO2 Emission and Related Hazardous Substances

指導教授 : 吳文方
共同指導教授 : 吳珮瑛


本研究模擬太陽能發電系統架設於中央氣象局的台灣三十個觀測站之發電狀況,探究台灣北、中、南、東部北區、東部南區與離島六個區域的成本差異,以生命週期成本法加總系統自購置至除役所需花費所有成本,並納入太陽能取代石化燃料廠發電導致的外部損害與二氧化碳排放作為成本抵扣項,使用均化成本模型計算單位發電成本,比較各區域間使用太陽能發電系統之適宜性;進而以土地效率為指標,評比台灣三十個觀測站每單位土地租金可獲得之效益。 估計結果顯示取代石化燃料電廠的外部範疇越大時,對太陽能發電系統越有利,可顯著降低成本;且不論是只納入太陽能可降低的二氧化碳排放之外部效益,或是更大範圍的其他相關損害,在目前可掌握的成本範圍內,以均化成本表示最適合架設太陽能發電系統的區域為台南縣七股鄉;而土地效率最高的區域為蘭嶼。


To investigate the costs differences among regions and scales of photovoltaic generation systems, this study simulates 30 weather stations set up by Central Weather Bureau in Taiwan, which located in the regions of north, center, south, eastern north, eastern south and islands of Taiwan. Total cost for each weather stations and grouped for each region are then estimated and calculated by adopting life-cycle cost method. The total cost includes not only the expenditures incurred during life-time of the generation but also the avoided external damage from the emission of CO2 and other related hazardous substances due to the photovoltaic system. This is an internalization of external benefit to reflect the existence of the photovoltaic system. In order to compare the suitability of generation in the regions, levelized cost of energy model (LCOE) is used as an indicator and land efficiency is adopted as another indicator. The results show that the more items of the external benefit are taken into account while photovoltaic systems adopted the more predominant is. That is, total cost of photovoltaic systems will be reduced significantly. In either internalizing external benefit of the CO2 emission or other relating hazardous substances, by adopting the method of LCOE, the results indicate that the most suitable locations for photovoltaic system is in Chiku (in southern region of Tainan) and the highest of land efficiency is in Lanyu (belonging to islands of Taiwan).


Allan, Grant, Michelle Gilmartin, Peter Mcgregor, and Kim Swales, 2010. “Levelised costs of wave and tidal energy in the UK: cost competitiveness and the importance of ‘banded’ renewable obligation certificates,” Energy policy. 39: 23-39.
