  • 學位論文


Stereoscopic 3D Experience Optimization using Cropping and Warping

指導教授 : 歐陽明


本篇論文目的為立體視覺體驗最佳化,亦即提升使用者觀看立體影片之感受。立體體驗是結合科技、知覺心理學及電影學的跨領域研究, 我們提出兩個影響立體體驗的主因:視覺疲勞及知覺深度。從現今立體科技、知覺心理學及電影學的相關研究文獻中, 彙整出五個減少視覺疲勞及增加知覺深度的原則, 並使用裁切法及非均勻縮放法實作之。裁切法實現黑框理論及避免立體視窗衝突, 而非均勻縮放法可以改變雙眼視差。此方法可防止影像的重要視覺部分被扭曲及保持影像於時間上的一致性, 而且避開相機校正、精準深度值、修補破洞等場景內插法所需要面臨的難題。此外,我們實作出一個使用者介面,方便使用者互動式編輯立體影片及觀看立體效果。由使用者研究證明,我們的方法可以成功地將立體視覺體驗最佳化。


The purpose of this thesis is to optimize the stereoscopic 3D experience when users watch those contents. Although stereoscopic experience is a complex multi-disciplinary phenomenon, combined of display technology, perceptual psychology, and cinematography, we propose two factors in stereoscopic experience: visual fatigue and depth perception. In order to optimize stereoscopic experience, five principles to reduce visual fatigue and enhance depth perception have been addressed and implemented via cropping and warping. The cropping method carries out Black Frame Theory and avoids stereo window violation, while the warping method adjusts the binocular disparity, prevents the saliency region from distortion, as well as keeps the temporal coherence. Using our methods, time-consuming problems of existing view interpolation methods such as camera calibration, accurate dense depth map, and inpainting are avoided. We have designed a GUI that enables users to efficiently edit the stereoscopic video, optimize the stereoscopic experience, and preview the stereoscopic result. The user study shows that our method is successful in optimizing stereoscopic experience.


Stereoscopic Visual fatigue Depth perception


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