  • 學位論文


Accreditation analysis of ecotourism management for recreational rafts in Cigu Lagoon, Tainan City with MNEAP and METAP

指導教授 : 李英周


隨著旅遊市場需求的上升,七股潟湖區娛樂漁筏業者在面對多變的環境中,必須思考如何掌握產業的動態性、不確定性、複雜性,才有辦法建立持久性的經營管理策略。因此,本研究為探討生態旅遊產業的經營管理,採用修訂後的澳洲生態旅遊協會的「澳洲自然及生態旅遊評鑑計畫第三版」(Modified Nature and ecotourism accreditation program third edition,簡稱MNEAP) 與社團法人中華民國生態旅遊協會「生態旅遊遊程評鑑計畫」(Modified Ecotourism Tour Accreditation Program,簡稱METAP)為研究工具,於2010年10月至2011年10月期間,利用1.參與觀察法、2.專家評估法與專家會議以及3.焦點團體認知評估法評鑑12家七股潟湖區娛樂漁筏業者的生態旅遊經營管理。本研究發現具有企業化經營觀念的A家,在MNEAP和METAP的多項評鑑指標上,與其他業者達顯著之差異,並且符合焦點團體組之預期;市場區隔、解說員型態和公開保育活動的參與會影響到生態旅遊的經營管理,但與營運中心至社區的距離無關。而MNEAP與METAP兩者在評鑑指標設計上的不同,導致在評鑑結果上的差異。本研究指出台灣生態旅遊產業面臨的經營管理問題,尤其是對政府單位依賴性強、缺乏企業化觀念、解說員訓練與專業度不足等問題。


With the improving ecotourism prospect, Qigu Wetlands recreational business owners need to conceive a strategy to overcome the mobility, uncertainties and complexities when facing many unknown factors derived from law and regulations requirements, social responsibilities, environment protections, cost controls et al. Thus, The purpose of this study is to examine the influences of ecotourism certification and accreditation programs on the local industry in term of business practices and cultures based on Modified Nature and Ecotourism Accreditation Program, 3rd Edition (MNEAP), by Australia Ecotourism Association, and Modified Ecotourism Tour Accreditation Program (METAP), by Taiwan Ecotourism Association. Survey data were collected from Oct 2010 to Oct 2011. Methodologies are as follows 1. Observation 2. Expert assessment and discussion 3. Focus group study and assessment of 12 businesses at Qigu Wetlands and Recreational area. The result indicates that the performers "A" with the businesslike concept not only achieve high scores but also meet various business expectations in many MNEAP and METAP evaluations respectively. The skills and quality of ecotourism presenters and the public conservation activities from the top performers outperform their counterparts; whereas, the quality of ecotourism services, target audience, or the location of the recreational area has little impact on the overall scoring. The results of MNEAP and METAP highlight evaluation criteria differences between them. This finding reveals the problems facing the business operation and management by local businesses, which relied on heavy government subsidization, lack entrepreneurial spirit, insufficient human resources training and planning.


