  • 學位論文


Nanomechanics of clinical influenza A virus

指導教授 : 林世明


本實驗利用原子力顯微術(AFM)針對A型流感確診之病人檢體進行研究,透過影像掃描、表面結構參數與抗原抗體專一性作用力的量測以達到區分正常人與A型流感病人之目的。 AFM影像掃描使用輕敲模式(tapping mode),由低倍率定位再放大倍率觀看,可有效於流感病人的檢體中掃描到清晰的A型流感病毒顆粒,並與純化後病毒顆粒作尺寸參數與表面結構參數對照,結果符合流感病毒在先前文獻中電子顯微鏡的數值。此外,在抗原抗體專一性作用力實驗上,利用生物固定化方式,在AFM探針上修飾H1抗體,分別對修飾病人檢體與正常人檢體的玻片,在拉離速度200nm/s下進行力-距離曲線量測,得到正常人與病人的作用力數值分別為31.6 ±19.1 (pN)和316.2 ± 184.1 (pN),相差一個數量級,輔以高斯分布曲線亦可以完全分離不重疊。因此可透過此力學量測有效區分正常人與流感病人之檢體。 實驗結果顯示,以AFM作為力學感測器,能快速且準確的區分正常人檢體與A型流感病人檢體。未來可望應用在臨床診斷上。


In order to identify the influenza type A virus from normal(F90t) and influenza patient(F104t) , we used atomic force microscopy(AFM) to measure the morphology、ultrastructure and unbinding force. The morphology experiment was used tapping mode of AFM image scanning. We could effectively get the surface ultrastructure information from the isolated influenza type A virions and the influenza type A patient’s virions. Their topography-related parameters such as dimensions and surface roughness were very close (108.1 nm and 4.03 nm for isolated influenza type A virions ; 102.7 nm and 3.21 nm for influenza type A patient’s virions), and the size of them were similar to influenza virus’ SEM image. The histograms of unbinding force were wider for the influenza patient than the normal. The mean unbinding force value of the patient’s and normal person’s specimen were 316.2 ± 184.1 (pN) and 31.6 ±19.1 (pN) at pulling velocity 200nm/s respectively. These results demonstrated that we could use unbinding force results to distinguish the patients and normal specimens. In conclusion, I expected this useful technique will be a clinical cantilever-based mechanical biosensor in the future.


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