  • 學位論文


A Study on Related Issues of Key Performance Indicators and Quality Management

指導教授 : 王銘宗


關鍵績效指標可用以測量組織、團隊、或個人之績效表現,為了讓評定角度與結果更為客觀可行,在指標遴選的原則、過程與排序皆需考量各層面且經重重思考、審定與不斷檢核。品質一向被視為是產品的重要特性,近年來已有多篇文獻探討其演進之歷程與效益,公司或組織團隊投注心力於提高品質之重要性不言可喻。品質可望經由良好的管理模式達到組織及專案所預期或設計的優秀表現。而在實體產品、高科技產品,甚至於較為抽象的軟體產品中,對於品質的要求皆不完全一致。從目前仍眾說紛紜、尚未達成普遍共識的品質定義來看,從行銷佈局策劃、產品研發設計等面向,如何達成公司組織、研發團隊與顧客夥伴等多方共識下之優良品質,仍有賴相關研究與實務面的持續耕耘。 本文將以三大篇幅探討績效指標與品質管理相關議題,前兩篇分別以軟體專案管理及全球運籌行銷管理為主軸,探討其關鍵績效指標的遴選與排序;第三篇則探討個案公司推行ISO9000後,對其進行全面品質管理的各項因子之影響,以下為各篇目所探討之內容簡介: 一、探討軟體研發時,在提升專案管理成熟度及改善軟體品質的考量下,以專案負責人角度進行重要指標遴選與排序,研究對象為臺灣獲得 CMMI 認證公司之軟體專案經理,根據本篇研究結果,對國內軟體公司提出可加強關注之面向與管理實作建議。 二、從全球具備多事業單位之公司角度與資深行銷主管及學者的共識,探討企業總部規劃行銷策略之績效指標遴選與排序,本研究提出四大構面,並於其下遴選出重要指標再進行權重排序,以作為相關個案公司實務面之參考。 三、公司推行 ISO9000後,對企業組織文化造成的影響探討,並更進一步了解其對於整體企業落實全面品質管理的效益為何,根據研究結果顯示,高階主管親身投入參與、組織認同感、與良好的激勵制度將可帶來正面的影響。 關鍵詞:關鍵績效指標 (KPI)、品質、專案管理、行銷、全面品質管理 (TQM)


Key performance indicators (KPI) can be used to evaluate the performance of a specific organization, team, or individual. To make the indicators more objective and realistic, the principle, process, and prioritization of indicator determination should be considered thoroughly and checked continuously. Quality has been viewed as one of the most important property of products, and there‟ve been considerable quantity of literature reviewng and dicussing the development and benefit. The importance of the effort to enhance product quality is beyond description. Quality could reach the designed or expected performance by well management. In addition, the demands of quality in physical, hi-tech, and intangible software products are not totally consistent. Given the divergent definitions of quality, how to achieve the consensus of excellent quality viewed by the company, R&D team, and customers in marketing strategy and product development has to be explored by further academic and emprical researches.The thesis is divided into 3 portions; the previous 2 discuss the determination and prioritization of KPI in the topic of software project management and global marketing management, respectively. The 3rd explores the influence of ISO9000 certification on Total Quality Management (TQM). The followings are brief introduction to each paper. 1. From the viewpoint of project managers in CMMI Certified Company, this research is expected to propose perspectives or factors that should be concerned more and also to offer some practical management suggestions. 2. With the consensus of senior marketing supervisors and scholars, this research explores the important indicators of global marketing strategy in headquarters and proposes 4 perspectives to classified relevant indicators. 3. This research explores the effect of ISO9000 directly on TQM implementation and also the effect through organizational culture change. Based on the research result, involvement of high-leveled supervisors, organization identification and encouragement are expected to bring about positive influence. Keywords: Key Performance Indicator (KPI), Quality, Project Management, Marketing, Total Quality Management (TQM)


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