  • 學位論文


A Study on the Legal Interests of Personal Data Protection in the Information Age─A Focus on the Personal Information Protection Act

指導教授 : 王皇玉


本論文係以討論「個人資料之保護」作為中心而開展,目的在於探討「個人資料保護」備後所代表的法益為何,以及以刑罰手段維護個人資料不被他人不法使用,究竟是否為一件恰當的事。個人資料保護之議題討論,係源自於資訊時代下科技之快速發展而來。因為高科技的自動化資料處理,令個人資料的蒐集、處理及利用相較於於傳統時代下,變的快速、方便以及更容易傳播。但是這樣的變遷,也同時對於個人資料背後所象徵之「人格權」造成了前所未有的威脅。 對於這種個人資料背後所表彰的權利,是過去傳統時代下所未曾出現的,可以說是一種「新人格權」。對於這樣的一種「新人格權」,各國依歷史發展之不同,對於此種權利之理論建構基礎也有所不同。在美國,係以隱私權理論而衍伸的「資訊隱私權」,作為保障個人資料的基礎;在德國,則係以隸屬於人格權之下的「資訊自決權」出發,藉以保障個人資料。我國釋字第603號解釋則係以「資訊隱私權」為名,作為保護個人資料之法律上權利。 為了因應資訊時代下科技的快速變遷,對於個人資料保護之議題,確實有必要為通盤的立法。這種「資訊自我控制的權利」,固然具備其憲法上的地位,但是並不必然一定要以刑罰手段來管制。事實上,「資訊自我控制的權利」做為一種「新人格權」,其本質上逸脫了刑法上對於隱私以及秘密的保護,用刑罰手段來保護這樣的權利,可謂創設了一種新的刑法保護法益。創設刑法過去所沒有的保護法益並非絕對不可,只是考量到刑法的痛苦性與謙抑性,對於新法益的刑罰規範,必須在保護的必要性以及相關刑事政策上預為全面之考量,以避免刑罰的規定涵蓋過廣,最後變成了令人髮指的惡法。 我國於民國99年通過之「個人資料保護法」,便是以刑罰手段來保障「個人自我控制資訊」的權利。經過本文之分析,其相關的刑罰規範實有涵蓋過廣之可能,而且可能導致許多用民法處理即為已足的行為,也將不當的被入罪化,因而與刑法謙抑性、最後手段性等諸多基本原則有間。個人資料保護法上路在即,然而相關規範仍存在商榷之必要,實有待立法委員更進一步的修法。 最後,倘若以「資訊自我控制的權利」做為刑法上法益保護,會有刑罰涵蓋過廣之不良結果,吾人或許應該考慮制度上典範移轉的可能性。對於個人資料的保護,在法益主軸的選擇上,由個人法益轉向社會法益-亦即以「資訊安全的信賴」做為個人資料保護的核心考量。如此一來,始能真正切合資訊時代下社會大眾所需要的生活利益。


The purpose of this thesis is mainly related to the issue of "personal data protection", including finding out the meaning of why on earth protecting personal information.Besides,is that a suitable thing to use criminal laws to punish those people who illegally used personal data? That's the point this essay want to investigate about. As a result of the technology getting advanced, the discuss of personal data protection is more and more important now. The progress of technology is not only bringing the benefits to the whole society, but also becoming the threats to the personality rights. The rights behind the personal data is never been discussed before. Therefore it's a new kind of personality right. In different countries, there are different names of this new type of personality right. In the United States, it's called" information privacy". In Germany, it's called " informationelle selbstbestimmung"(right of information self-determination). In Taiwan, the legal explanation She Tze Number 603 of the Judicial Yuan has declared that the mandatory finger printing regulation of Section 8 of the Household Act is unconstitutional, because of the "information privacy ". Indeed, it is necessary to protect such rights due to the growing cyber society. However, sometimes there is no need to use criminal law to punish those people who offend other people's information privacy. If the civil law is enough to deal with those situation, the criminal penalties will become some kind of "evil law". After the analysis of this essay," the Personal Information Protection Act " at year 2010 does have this question, and it needs urgently the modification by legislators. Last but not least, if it is inappropriate to use "the right of information self-determination" to be the legal interests of criminal punishment, we can consider about the possibility of paradigm shifting: switching from personal legal interests to social legal interests. Using criminal punishments to keep people's trust to information security. In that case, it can more fit the interests of whole society really need under information ages.


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