  • 學位論文


Taiwan Out-of-Home Media Agency: A Successful Business Model

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥


家外媒體在台灣是歷史最悠久的媒體,超過六十年歷史。過去家外媒體缺乏佐證的相關研究與評估機制,因此如何提升專業形象與強化可信度,已成為博仕達的重要使命來不斷精進專業與帶動產業地位。相較於一般傳統媒體,在數位匯流的世界裡,家外媒體能提供參與性、互動性、連結性與一致性,這些都是當今廣告主亟欲要求的媒體必要條件。也因此更新鮮、全新面貌,令人期待的家外媒體,蓬勃成長速度遠超過其他媒體,僅次於數位媒體。隨著大環境快速的科技創新,消費者行為模式的改變,家外媒體專業代理商透過客制化工具與思考模式,給予更策略思維的企劃與採購建議。 本研究以實際產業相關數據為基礎,透過全球重要媒體集團概況、家外媒體代理商經營思維、產業沿革與現況、家外媒體產業競合等構面來分析。再佐以「產業分析方法與工具」和「商業模式」理論,了解產業趨勢探討、價值網相對關係,破壞性創新機會點、集團競爭策略、消費者媒體接觸行為,再來構思家外媒體因應環境變革,如何調整步伐,為個案家外媒體代理商擬定更具競爭力的策略與商業模式。 十餘年來深耕台灣市場,台灣博仕達戮力推動家外媒體發展與市場教育,堅持成為產業先驅的目標與全球一致。本研究觀察家外媒體代理商的商業模式,輔以相關管理理論進行探討找出其成功原因,針對家外媒體代理商發展現況,對未來個案給予下列研究建議: - 落實「集團策略」,包容彼此差異,共享資源獲利,創造綜效。 - 多面向媒體關係維繫,共同將家外媒體產業大餅做大,透過良好的合作關係得到 媒體掌握度、競爭性價格與創新性媒體運用機會。 - 人才是代理商的最大資產,把正確的人放到合適的位置,並給予客制化的訓練來幫助公司成功。 - 積極擁抱家外媒體未來趨勢,創造未來成長價值。


Outdoor is the oldest medium format in Taiwan with more than 60 years history. In the past, Posterscope’s vision was to bring professionalism and most importantly accountability, to a medium which often had a reputation of being lacking in evidence & evaluation. Compared with other traditional media, the OOH medium is able to offer engagement, interactivity as well as connectivity. All of these are prime requests for an advertiser in today’s global media world. This rapid evolution has kept the OOH landscape fresh, new and exciting thus resulting in growth that has surpassed all other media with the exception of the digital medium. The world is being transformed by technology, changing how people behave, especially for OOH. An OOH specialist agency can provide a more strategic planning & buying recommendation via proprietary tools and the thinking process. Based on industry statistics,archival data,and theories of industry analysis tools and business models, we perform a series of comprehensive industrial and consumer analyses . From the processes, we then propose a more competitive strategic approach and business model to respond to a rapidly changing world. Deep plowing the Taiwan market for more than a decade, Posterscope Taiwan strives very hard to help the overall OOH industry development and to educate the market; to be consistently pioneering - the focus is the same in all markets. This thesis focuses on OOH specialist agency business models and management theory to identify the key success factors of Posterscope Taiwan. Based on four dimensions, the thesis offers the following suggestions for the company’s future development: - Truly implement group strategies - embrace differentiation and profit sharing, and create synergy - Develop a strong relationship with media partners - enlarge the overall OOH market, enhance negotiation power, create competitive pricing and innovative media opportunities. - Focus on talent as the biggest asset for the agency - place the right person in the right position, and provide tailor-made training programs to help the company's success. - Embrace future trends for Out-of-Home media and create future growth value.


4.李芳齡、李田樹譯(2003)。《創新者的解答》。台北:天下雜誌。Clayton M. Christensen and Michael E. Rayno (2003),The Innovator's Solution : Creating and Sustaining Successful Growth,原著出版社:Harvard Business Press
