  • 學位論文


A Study on the Trend, Future Development and Effectiveness of Internet Marketing

指導教授 : 李吉仁


隨著科技、經濟發展和社會的進步,全球諸多地區正處于生産力迅速提高,産品快速豐富的階段。因此,商品通過行銷來展示自身核心價值,提高市場競爭力的意義就尤其重大。同時,隨著互聯網和智能手機的快速普及和高速發展,基于互聯網和移動互聯網的線上交易和社交網路所占比例日益提高,線上線下的良性互動也日趨頻繁,人們獲取訊息的方式也逐漸從傳統媒體過渡到網路媒體上來,因此,互聯網行銷正逐漸成為行銷領域的最主要的組成部分。 基於對人們主要訊息獲取管道的影響,互聯網行銷正伴隨著媒體的發展不斷變換行銷模式,適應新的消費者心裡和發展需求。本文滙總了目前互聯網行銷的一些基本的模式和方法,除了總的規劃方面分為效果類和品牌類行銷外,在細分方面則有視頻行銷,社交行銷,移動行銷等多種行銷方式。同時,Online to Off-line (O2O, 線上到線下)在行銷中加入了更多和消費者互動的元素,大大激發了消費者的參與熱情,促進了O2O行銷的發展。本文基於這樣的分析为行銷人員也提出了互聯網行銷策略的製定方法,規劃,和比較,並提供了互聯網行銷的基本原則。 此外,本文分別針對效果類和品牌類的行銷,探討評估互聯網行銷效果的方法,這些討論可以为行銷人員製定適應自身的行銷策略提供了參考。最後,隨著雲計算和大數據技術的發展成熟和産業應用,基于數據的用戶分析將大幅增加,可以提供更加符合用戶需求的行銷訊息。結合基于位置的移動互聯網服務,對于用戶的精準行銷,互動,和智能化行銷也勢必將成爲未來行銷發展的重要趨勢。


行銷 互聯網 移動互聯網


With the development of technology and economy, productivity is increasing rapidly all over the world. As a result, it’s significant for products to be marketed well to demonstrate their core values and to increase their competitiveness in the market. At the same time, with the fast prevalence and speedy development of the internet and smart phones, e-commerce and social network based on the internet and the mobile internet increasingly occupy people’s social lives. The interaction between online and offline activities takes place more frequently. There is also a growing transition from traditional media to the internet for people to obtain information. Therefore, digital marketing, especially internet marketing, should receive more strategic attention. This thesis summarizes basic models and methods of contemporary internet marketing and in addition to performance and branding purposes, video marketing, social marketing, mobile marketing, to name a few, are parts of the whole internet marketing picture too. In the meantime, there are more consumer interactivity for O2O (Online to Off-line) which greatly stimulates user participation and pushes O2O marketing forward. Based on these analyses, the thesis also provides ways to design, plan, and compare the internet marketing strategies and basic principles of internet marketing for marketers. In addition, this thesis also discusses how the effectiveness of internet marketing can be evaluated. In principle, internet marketing’s effectiveness can categorized by performance and branding and the comparison of both is discussed. These discussions could help provide references for marketers to determine adequate marketing strategies. Finally, with the development of technologies such as cloud computing and big data, consumer analysis is rapidly reshaping itself. Customized marketing information is highly demanded. Location based service and target marketing will be of important future marketing trends too. Meanwhile, more and more interaction between brands and consumers are expected and smart marketing is expected to lead the new marketing paradigm.


Marketing Digital Marketing Internet Mobile Internet


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