  • 學位論文


The Planning and Operation Strategy of Milano Which is the Glasses Retail Brand

指導教授 : 謝明慧


寶島眼鏡進入大陸經營已經三十幾年,在市場上已經有了一定的知名度。但近幾年隨著中國經濟的增長,消費水準的提高及消費者需求的多元化,中國高端眼鏡市場正逐漸成為外資大肆蠶食的對象,寶島眼鏡這個大眾品牌也開始無法適應多元化的中國消費市場。 Milano品牌在這個背景下孕育而生。本文系統地分析了Milano品牌從品牌戰略設計、品牌戰略執行到品牌戰略測試與修正的全過程。首先,本文基於消費者分析,明確了Milano品牌的品牌戰略部署、品牌調性、商品配置等一系列事項。在Milano第一家門店開出來之後,我們針對之前規劃的一系列品牌戰略設計做了測試與修正。我們用一個閉鎖迴圈來表達三個不可分割的品牌核心:消費者洞察——品牌價值——消費者連接,用簡潔卻直觀的表達闡述品牌核心靈魂要素;將Milano品牌從創始到經營所必須的管理關鍵點串聯起來。其次,我們在品牌測試與修正過程的基礎上,對目標消費群重新做了分析,從原來為白領、女強人、貴婦、名媛及年輕小資男性服務的品牌,修正為專為女性服務的時尚眼鏡連鎖品牌,目標消費群為名媛、貴婦與都市粉領族。這樣的定位使得Milano品牌沒有真正意義上的競爭對手。品牌標語也由原來戰略設計的“寵EYE善變的你”把“你”字改為“妳”,同時對行銷組合策略進行了配置。 本文通過對Milano品牌的戰略規劃與系統運營,希望能夠使Milano成為國內第一個專為女性服務的時尚眼鏡連鎖品牌,並最終將Milano品牌發展成為能夠為公司利潤做出持久貢獻的知名品牌。


Baodao Optical has run its business in Mainland China for over 30 years, and already had high popularity in the market. However, with continual growth of Chinese economic recently, higher standard of consumption and the variety of consumer demand, the market of high-quality glasses is becoming the area that foreign business rampantly target on. Baodao, a popular brand of glasses, can not be adaptive to the diverse consumers market in China as well. The brand, Milano, is born under such a background. The article systematically analyzes Milano’s brand strategy from its design, execution to test and modification. First, on the basis of consumer analysis, the article clarifies strategy of brand, character of brand, product selection, etc. of Milano. After the first Milano shop started up, we tested and modified the previous designs of brand strategy. We also applied an enclosed circle to present the three inseparable brand cores: consumer perceptions, brand value and the consumer connections, and utilized concise and direct expression to convey the core elements, which is the linkage of all of the critical managerial points from foundation to operation. Second, during the process of test and modification, we remake an analysis of target consumers, changing from office ladies, successful women, rich ladies, female socialites, and male bourgeoisie to “ladies”,including rich ladies, female socialites, and pink-collar worker. The new position, which is a fashion-leading glasses chain that provides service to women, provides Milanonew market segmentation without rivals.Moreover, we modify the slogan of Milano by replacing the male “you” with the female “you” and concurrently deploy the marketing strategies. To sum up, the article studies strategy planning and system operation of Milano, expected to be the first brand of selling trendy glasses for ladies, and a famous brand able to bring profits to the company.


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