  • 學位論文

日語與台灣客語之擬態語比較- 以「人的動作」、「感情、表情」之語義場為中心-

A Comparison of Mimetic words between Japanese and Taiwan Hakkanese -A Semantic Classification of “Movement of People” and “Feelings, Expressions” –

指導教授 : 林慧君


本篇論文藉由比較日語與台灣四縣腔客語的擬態語,進一步探討日語與客語擬態語之特徵與共通點。 首先,藉由語例說明客語中也存在擬態語之後,以「人的動作」及「感情、表情」兩大主題為限,根據尚學圖書編(1991)『擬音語・擬態語の読本』一書,列出這兩大主題之下的語義場以及其日語擬態語。之後,利用客語辭典、客語能力檢定語料彙編中找出屬於該語義場的客語擬態語。 其次,針對日語與客語擬態語中,日客兩語各自擬態語數量最多的語義場,以及不存在客語擬態語的語義場,參照語例針對其語義特徵更進一步分析。 藉由以上之分析比較,在「人的動作」及「感情、表情」這兩個以「人」為中心的主題之下,可看出日客兩語有以下的特徵。例如:比起客語,日語在表示抽象的心理狀態的語義場,以及與飲食生活相關的語義場中,擬態語較客語來得多;而客語則多為表示具象關係的擬態語,並且在描述人的體格、性格等等擬態語中,有相當多的負面意涵之擬態語。由此可推論,用擬態語表現來強調負面意涵,使其更為生動可謂為客語的特徵之一。 在形態上,也可以看出在這些語義場中,客語擬態語以「ABB仔」型最為豐富。而日語則是以「ABAB」型較為多數,但並未如客語一般明顯地以「ABB仔」型佔絕大多數。


Taiwan Hakkanese is a language that contains mimetic words similar to Japanese which also utilizes such expressions. Accordingly, the purpose of this thesis aims to compare the characteristics of mimetic words between Japanese and Taiwan Hakkanese on the topic of the “movement of people” and “feelings and expressions”. Prior to a comparison, Japanese mimetic words were first organized according to the semantic classification as described by “擬音語・擬態語の読本(Giongo, Gitaigonotokuhon)” (1991), and Hakkanese mimetic words were collated from Hakkanese dictionaries and reference books of Hakka language proficiency tests. Subsequently, a comparison analysis was done on overlapping and nonexistent semantic categories between Japanese and Hakkanese mimetic words. The analysis revealed that they are several prominent characteristics of mimetic words specific to each individual language. For example, Japanese has more mimetic words for abstract expressions and eating habits, but Taiwan Hakkanese, on the other hand, has an abundance of mimetic words relating to concrete expressions such as the physique and personalities of people. Furthermore, there is also an abundance of negative image expressions used in Taiwan Hakkanese which suggests that the language tends to express negative imagery vividly through the use of mimetic words. Morphologically speaking, while Taiwan Hakkanese mimetics has the “ABB仔(e)k pattern as the majority demonstrates, Japanese has a more “ABAB” pattern, but it is not as much of a majority as it is in Taiwan Hakkanese. In conclusion, this thesis revealed novel findings of the differences between the mimetic words in Japanese and Taiwanese Hakkanese.


蔡諭薇(2012)『日中翻訳におけるオノマトペ研究−子育て漫画絵日記『うちの3姉妹』をめぐって—−』銘傳大學應用日語學系 修士論文
