  • 學位論文

藉由國小五年級學生學習程式設計探究運算思維能力在 Bebras 測驗上的表現

Exploration of computational thinking expressed on Bebras performance with studies on K5 students learning programming

指導教授 : 鄭士康


本論文嘗試以高年級小學生在 Bebras 測驗上的進步,證實學習程式設計可以 提高學生運算思維能力 。Bebras 是一個專注提升學生在資訊科學興趣的國際組織, 他們設計有趣且情境式的試題來向學生介紹資訊科學的基本概念。我們專注在探 索計算型思考能力中與程式設計相關的四種基本概念,分別為『Procedure』, 『Variable』,『Condition』,和『Loop』。我們將比較學生在兩種不同的程式語言學 習下對計算型思考的學習成果。這兩種程式語言分別為 Blockly 和 Python,它們分 別使用兩種不同形態的程式語言。 Blockly 是一種圖形導向的程式語言,這類型語言使用積木形式的程式區塊建 構起可運作的程式且學習上並不俱有傳統程式語言文法上的障礙,這使得學習障 礙大幅的降低並且使得學習者可以更加專注在程式的邏輯堆疊。 Python 是一種文字導向的程式語言,這類型語言使用文字形式來建構可運作 的程式並且都俱有嚴謹性高的文法要求,造成初期的學習障礙相較於圖形導向的 程式語言高出許多。


This thesis is trying to use Bebras [32] to explore and evaluate students’ computational thinking from a point of view of learning programming. We are focusing on exploring the relationships between CT and four basic concepts of programming. The four concepts are “Procedure”, “Variable”, “Condition” and “Loop”. Bebras is an international initiative whose goal to promote informatics among pupils of all ages by designing interesting and attractive tasks. Those tasks are highly related to informatics, computer science or computer literacy. We will measure the learning effect on CT by learning through two completely different programming languages, Blockly and Python. “Blockly” uses blocks that link together to make writing code easier because it greatly decreases the barrier of syntax of programming. So that beginners can spend more time focusing on the logical flow of program. “Python” uses sequences of text including words, numbers and punctuation to write code and it needs more formal syntax to describe the possible combinations that form a syntactically correct program. The barrier of learning syntax may easily cause beginners to fail their classes.


programming computational thinking Bebras


[2] J. M. Wing, “Computational Thinking,” Commun. ACM, vol. 49, no. 3, p. 33, 2006.
[3] M. Guzdial, “Education Paving the way for computational thinking,” in Communications of the ACM, 2008, vol. 51, no. 8, p. 25.
[6] V. Dagiene and G. Futschek, “Bebras international contest on informatics and computer literacy: Criteria for good tasks,” Informatics Education-Supporting Computational Thinking. pp. 19–30, 2008.
[7] S. Papert, Mindstorms: Children, computers, and powerful ideas. 1980.
[8] Johnson, R. Arnold, and D. W. Wichern, Applied multivariate statistical analysis. 2012.
