  • 學位論文


Evaluation of pest control measures for aphids of organic Brassicaceae vegetables in greenhouse settings

指導教授 : 吳文哲
共同指導教授 : 楊景程(Chin-Cheng Yang)


有機農作物被認為是解決人類糧食,減少對生態系、動物及人類最小傷害的生產體系,其產量整體而言較一般慣行農法低 25%,其差異取決於生態平衡及良好管理措施。臺灣地處亞熱帶地區,氣候高溫多濕,使有機栽培過程往往面臨嚴厲的病蟲害考驗,在良好環境建置下仍需一定手段的病蟲害防治措施。各國目前主要以具防治病蟲害效力之天然資材為主要研究方向,種類包含油劑、植物源保護製劑、礦物性資材、植物精油油劑及植物精油,因此,本試驗期望針對造成有機農作物嚴重危害的蚜蟲,透過天然資材中最為容易取得、安全性高的食用油,經水晶肥皂液乳化後作為基底,並混合選出具防治效益之植物浸出液製成防治資材,擬降低蚜蟲對作物之危害。選定容易取得,價格合宜,大宗油品大豆油、葵花油及調和油 (由葵花油、芥花油、紅花籽油調和),各植物油乳化液試驗結果於效益上無顯著差異,且防治率皆低於 75%。針對植物油乳化液進行偽菜蚜 (Lipaphis erysimi) 致死試驗,結果顯示試驗植物油乳化液LC50:葵花油乳化液為 5.53 mL/L、調理油乳化液為 5.14 mL/L、大豆油乳化液為 2.44 mL/L;植物油乳化液 LC90:葵花油乳化液為 12.95 mL/L、調理油乳化液為 17.89 mL/L、大豆油乳化液為 6.42 mL/L。其中以大豆油乳化液 LC50 及 LC90 用量皆較其他植物油乳化液少,每公頃施用成本僅 388 元,較其他植物油經濟。複合植物源保護劑選用菸草浸出液、艾草浸出液、胡椒薄荷浸出液、左手香浸出液搭配大豆油乳化液進行試驗,試驗結果顯示:菸草浸出複合液 (大豆乳化液 1,000 倍 + 菸草浸出液 100 倍) 防治率最高 (86.7%),並顯著高於單獨使用植物油乳化液。由各蚜蟲發生總數與可供銷售總產量的相關關係,可發現當蚜蟲族群密度過高 (約 300 隻以上),將會使作物可供銷售總產量嚴重減少約 15%。因此於每年 9 月至次年 2 月為蚜蟲發生盛期,可利用大豆油乳化液 LC50 搭配 100 倍菸草浸出液,來控制蚜蟲密度,當蚜蟲族群密度過高,將會造成產量嚴重的損失,可調整大豆油乳化液為 LC90 濃度搭配 100 倍菸草浸出液;另蚜蟲發生過於嚴重時建議縮短作物田間生長期,儘速採收。每年 2 月至 8 月為蚜蟲發生低密度時期,可採用大豆油乳化液 1,000 倍,搭配 100 倍菸草浸出液,進行蚜蟲防治。此研究再次印證田間運用複合植物源保護劑需考量環境氣候因素及高溫下施用對作物的影響。


Organic agriculture is a system aimed at producing food with minimal harm to ecosystems, animals and humans. The organic yields are 25% lower than conventional ones, and the yield differences are highly dependent of ecological balance between argoenvironment and culture practices. As located in subtropical area, the weather in Taiwan is usually hot and humid, resulting in the fact of frequent occurrence of insect pests that pose enormous threats to the crop. To date, major interests of materials for controlling insect pests in organic agriculture system rely on natural product including plant oils, plant essential oils, plant protection agents and mineral materials. The present study is to identify safe and cheap natural product such as plant oils blended with plant secondary metabolites to control Lipaphis erysimi. A variety of plant oil including soybean oil, sunflower oil, blended oil (mixture of sunflower oil, canola oil and safflower seed oil) was emulsified using liquid soap (CRYSTAL® ). No significant difference was found among tested plant oil emulsion in term of control rate experiments (up to 75%). Based on mortality of Lipaphis erysimi, the LC50 of sunflower oil was 5.53 mL/L; the LC50 of blended oil was 5.14 mL/L; the LC50 of soybean oil was 2.44 mL/L; the LC90 of sunflower oil was 12.95 mL/L, the LC90 of blended oil was 17.89 mL/L, the LC90 of soybean oil was 6.42 mL/L. The LC50 and LC90 of soybean oil were lower than sunflower oil and blended oil. Soybean oil costs NT$ 388 per hectare and is more economic than others. Infusion solutions from artemisias, peppermint, patchouli and tobacco were combined with plant oil emulsion and used as plant protection agents. Control rates of tobacco infusion solution complex (soybean oil emulsion 1,000X + tobacco of infusion solution 100X) were 87.6%. Control rate of plant protection agents are significantly greater than soybean oil emulsion alone. Yield loss 15% of the organic vegetables with high population density of L. erysimi (maximized with minimum of 300 L. erysimi in 1.5 m × 1.5 m area). Soybean oil LC50 concentration + tobacco infusion solution 100X was suggested to control L. erysimi during peak season (from September to February of next year) in Taiwan. When L. erysimi high population density (reaches 300 per 1.5 m × 1.5 m area), it is suggested to control aphids using soybean oil at LC90 concentration + tobacco infusion solution 100X. During season with low population density of L. erysimi, soybean oil emulsion 1,000X + tobacco infusion solution 100X were suggested. The study demonstrates that importance of environmental factors such as temperature in controlling L. erysimi by using plant protection agent or soybean oil emulsion.


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