  • 學位論文


Studies on the Phytochemicals and Antioxidative Abilities of Galls in Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃文達
共同指導教授 : 楊棋明(Chi-Ming Yang)


蟲癭為造癭蟲在刺激植物後,造成植物細胞異常生長所產生之結構。造癭蟲會改變與調控植物的生理機制,造成光合作用、抗蟲機制、植生物質與活化氧族含量、抗氧化能力等表現有所不同。植生物質包含類黃酮、花青素、酚類等,部分植生物質為植物為抗蟲所產生,與活化氧族(ROS)皆參與植物防禦機制,然過量的活化氧族在對抗蟲害的同時,對植物造成氧化逆境。部分植生物質具抗氧化能力,能降低氧化逆境帶來的傷害。本研究採用五種蟲癭,分別為Dryocosmus kuriphilus在Castanea mollissima(板栗)形成之蟲癭;Daphnephila taiwanensis在Machilus thunbergii(紅楠)形成之蟲癭;Pauropsylla triozoptera在Ficus irisana Elmer (青剛櫟)形成之蟲癭; Cecidomyiidae(癭蚋科)之昆蟲在Litsea acuminata (Bl.) Kurata(長葉木薑子)形成之蟲癭;Melaphis chinensis Bell於Rhus semialata羅氏鹽膚木形成之蟲癭(五倍子),在民間做為中藥材使用。本研究透過觀察蟲癭之組織是否因植生物質之濃度梯度不同,進而探討其分佈上的意義。最後透過灰關聯分析,比較各個植生物質對於抗氧化能力之貢獻度。結果顯示,部分植生物質在有無受蟲癭寄生之葉片上含量有顯著差異,並且影響正常生理功能。感染葉與正常葉之葉綠素含量不同,但無法提供對於光合作用效率或是碳同化物質有無影響的直接證據。酚類、類黃酮為主要抗蟲與抗氧化物質,在蟲癭之含量由外而內遞減,減少造癭蟲因取食蟲癭營養層或吸食其汁液時,抗蟲物質對造癭蟲造成的傷害。在不同蟲癭組織間,植生物質與活化氧族的含量有所差異,造成抗氧化能力高低的差異。透過灰關聯分析,得知植生物質與抗氧化能力之關聯性,酚類與類黃酮為強力抗氧化物,與前人分析結果相同。五倍子具有高含量之酚類物質,具有高度抗氧化力,可針對其抗氧化能力進一步分析,萃取出具抗氧化保健功效的化合物,提高五倍子的應用價值。


Galls are the abnormal cell growth structures inducing by gall insect s on the plants. The plant physiology manipulated by insect galls makes the differences in photosynthesis, insect defense mechanisms, phytochemicals, reactive oxygen species(ROS) contents, and the antioxidant abilities. Some phytochemicals with the purpose of insect resistance and ROS take part in the plant defense mechanisms. The excessive ROS resistant the insects and cause the oxidative stress in plants. Part of the phytochemicals with antioxidant abilities reduce the damage of oxidant stress. In this thesis, there are five species galls used, including galls of Dryocosmus kuriphilus on Castanea mollissima, galls of Daphnephila taiwanensis on Machilus thunbergii, galls of Pauropsylla triozoptera on Ficus irisana Elmer, galls of Cecidomyiidae on Litsea acuminata (Bl.) Kurata,and galls of Melaphis chinensis Bell on Rhus semialata(Galla Chinensis), a traditional Chinese medicine. The thesis studies the meaning of the arrangements of phytochemicals based on whether there are concentration gradients in gall tissue. At last comparing the contributions of individual phytochemicals to antioxidative abilities by Grey Relational Analysis The chlorophyll contents in non-gall and galled leaves are different. However, the results can’t show direct evidences on the effects of photosynthesis efficiency and carbon assimilation. Phenolics and flavonoids play important roles in insect resistant and antioxidant activities. The contents of phenolics and flavonoids reduce outside-inside which reduce the damage to gall insects causing by insect resistance properties when gall insects eat the nutritive layer or uptake the plant fluids. Different contents of phytochemicals and ROS in gall tissue result in the different antioxidative abilities. The correlation between hytochemicals and antioxidative abilities are revealed by Grey Relational Analysis. Phenolics and flavonoids are antioxidants with high efficiencies. The results are consistent with previous researches. There are high contents of phenolics in Galla Chinensis. Galla Chinensis has high efficient antioxidative abilities. Advanced reaserch focusing on the antioxidative abilities of Galla Chinensis can be done. Extracting the components with antioxidative and healthy functions can promote the application value of Galla Chinensis.


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