  • 學位論文

日本亞太外交戰略研究(2008-2014) -以自由貿易協定(FTA)為例

A Study on Japan’s Diplomacy Strategy in Asia Pacific Region(2008-2014):A Case of Free Trade Agreement

指導教授 : 何思慎


區域經貿一直是當前國際關係相當熱門的議題,又尤其近年在亞太區域蓬勃發展的幾個大型的FTA,更是成為各國爭相參與的重點,以及國際關係研究的關注目標。在這當中,日本作為亞洲主要的行為者之一,不僅與美「中」關係密切,經濟實力亦不可小覷,自然也不會在這場大型FTA的舞台上缺席。然而圍繞著日本所發生的領土、海洋問題、歷史爭議衝突,皆未能藉由區域的經貿互動與連結有所減緩,挑戰著傳統以自由主義解讀國家經貿行為的理解方式。而美國對亞洲的再平衡戰略,以及中國大陸的崛起,宣告著攻勢現實主義仍持續支配著亞太區域,並影響著全新大型FTA的博弈。 「跨太平洋戰略經濟合作夥伴協定」(TPP)、日「中」韓FTA以及「區域全面性經濟夥伴關係協定」(RCEP),這三個大型FTA最與日本目前的FTA政策息息相關。尤其在面對美「中」的競逐,這三項FTA遂成為日本在亞太區域外交戰略執行的工具之一。藉此強化日本國家的政治與經濟實力,提升在國際地位與能見度。並以美國在亞洲的「責任承擔者」之姿,鞏固日美同盟關係,進而得以抗衡一個前所未有的強大中國大陸,如此得以捍衛日本本身的國家利益。 本研究更發現,大國政治究其根本仍是權力爭奪,無法跳脫攻勢現實主義之推論與運作邏輯。美「中」間展開多樣貌權力追求的競爭,同時也惡化了亞太區域的緊張關係。TPP儘管加強了美日戰略關係,但也以高規格建制支配著其他成員國,還升高日「中」彼此間的威脅感;日「中」韓FTA實則因合作導致彼此間的恐懼,以及權力無法在這項合作有合理的分配而窒礙難行;RCEP更成為日「中」權力與主導權正面競爭的場域。因而,目前的日本不僅需要如安倍政權積極,甚至有些強硬的政策手段,大型FTA政策的目標也需要致力於促成TPP與RCEP的合作,最終走向亞洲太平洋自由貿易圈(FTAAP)的整合,才可能在這場大國權力政治的遊戲中,確保日本的國家安全與最大利益。


Regional economic and trade issue has always been a popular subject in present international relations, especially some mega-FTAs that are growing in a flourishing scale in Asia-Pacific area. As one of the most important actors in Asia, Japan not only has the close relationship with the U.S. and China, but also possesses outstanding economic power. Therefore, there is no reason for Japan to be absent from the stage of the mega-FTAs. However, it seems that the regional economic interaction do not help to ease the conflicts around Japan. This situation casts doubts on whether liberalism could explain the action that a country takes in economic field. The rebalance strategy of the U.S. and the rising of China indicate that the offensive realism is still the main stream in the Asia-Pacific area and has impacted on the game of the brand new mega-FTAs nowadays. Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), Japan-China-Republic of Korea FTA (JCK FTA) and Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) are the mega-FTAs that are closely linked to Japan’s FTA policy. These three mega-FTAs have become a diplomatic tool for Japan to intesify its political and economic capability in Asia Pacific region. Further, using FTA as a diplomatic tool also helps Japan to enhance its international standing and prestige. In addition, acting as ‘buck-catcher’ in Asia helps Japan to strengthen the US-Japan alliance which enables Japan to compete with China and protect its own national interest. The findings in this thesis suggest that the power is still the basis of great power politics. Countries can nearly get rid of the prediction and pattern of offensive realism. The competition between the U.S. and China focuses on a wide range of aspects, which raises the tensions in Asia Pacific region. While enhancing the US-Japan relations, TPP dominates other members by high level regime and raises the tension between Japan and China. The cooperation between Japan, China and South Korea leads to the fear toward each other. In addition, three countries cannot be statisfied with the power distribution. RCEP also becomes the field which Japan and China strive for the power and leadership face to face. Accordingly, Japan now needs not only a positive and even aggressive leadership, such as Abe government, but also policies that would make an effort to the success of TPP and RCEP. The implementation of TPP and RCEP would lead to the Free Trade Area of the Asia Pacific (FTAAP). Only in this circumstance could Japan ensure its national security and the national interest in this power game of the great nations.


Offensive Realism Japan’s Foreign Policy FTA TPP JCK FTA RCEP




