  • 學位論文


Research on Fundraising for University Libraries in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳雪華


大學圖書館自詡為大學的心臟,圖書館發展的健全與完善程度,能左右整所大學的學術地位。以臺灣而言,大學圖書館經費來源以校方撥款為主,然而,圖書館卻又是個容易被縮減經費的單位,在預算不充裕的情況下,募款能夠增加圖書館之經濟來源,讓圖書館得以維持現有經營,甚至提供更多創新服務。本研究旨在歸納圖書館募款的方式與策略,探討目前臺灣之大學圖書館界,募款的現況與所面臨的困難,並希望研究結果能提供關於大學圖書館募款之建議,予國內大學圖書館作為未來募款工作之參考來源。 本研究以獲得教育部「邁向頂尖大學計畫」中,12所大學之大學圖書館作為研究對象,首先利用各大學網站資料之蒐集,整理目前募款概況。再經由深度訪談12所大學之圖書館館長(其中6所圖書館館長偕同館內主管受訪),得出圖書館募款之現行方法及策略,還有面臨之困難,與未來能夠發展之募款方向。 研究結果顯示,多數大學未推廣圖書館募款,且捐款者捐贈予圖書館之比例低。在圖書館募款成效較佳之大學,校方之支持對圖書館募款工作有關鍵性的影響。在募款現況方面,多數大學圖書館制定有募款辦法,但僅少數較為積極宣傳,且所有的受訪圖書館皆無專職募款人員。而圖書館捐款或是資源捐贈來源可分為校友、企業、個人與大學教職員與學生。圖書館能透過幾種方式募款:首先是利用網路進行宣傳,如募款網頁。其次,以圖書館空間與館藏資源吸引來自「圖書館之友」與「校友閱覽證」之捐款,是目前多數大學圖書館採行之方式。以特定項目之募款是過去曾經成功之經驗,如期刊小額募款、館舍空間整修。透過推廣活動與跨界合作,亦是可行的方式。不過,大學圖書館對於捐款者的感謝普遍較為消極,僅少數圖書館建有捐款者資料庫,並長期經營與募款者之情感聯繫。 目前臺灣之大學圖書館募款的挑戰主要分成兩類:內部之困難來自圖書館缺乏募款專業與募款制度;外部之挑戰則是圖書館缺乏募款立場,不易建立穩定捐款來源。在未來發展方向上,圖書館應重新思考自身定位,以服務之價值吸引捐款,最重要的是,讓捐款者對圖書館之願景產生共鳴,並加強情感連結強度。 基於研究結果,研究者並分別針對大學與大學圖書館,提出圖書館募款之建議。以大學而言,若校長或校方高階主管,能夠支持與協助圖書館募款,會讓大學圖書館募款之路順利許多。而對大學圖書館,首先建議責任重大之館長,對內加強同仁募款之認知,進而建立全館募款共識,塑造圖書館知識價值。對大學校方則堅定表達經費需求,主動爭取募款機會。面對外界捐款者,提升圖書館之社會影響力,並加強捐款者之情感連結性,以吸引長期穩定的捐款。同時,館長若能抱持積極、熱情、勇於嘗試的態度,在募款工作上較容易成功。而對於館員的建議,一是主動認識募款工作,改變保守心態,二是加強蒐集募款需求,提升募款企劃效率。最後對於後續研究建議包含:兼容質性與量化的研究方法;並將研究對象拓展至更多大學圖書館,亦可從捐款者著手;另外,將研究主題擴展為圖書館經費開源節流,也應能帶給圖書館實務面永續經營之建議。


Fundraising is a new way to help university libraries to fight for limited budget since the official support from the government and universities is gradually declining over the last two decades. There is little research on this topic in our country, so this study aims at revealing current situation of university library fundraising in Taiwan, and find out the possible solutions on library fundraising work. The research methods applied in this study include literature review, web-content analysis and in-depth interview: the literature includes fundraising theories, methods and successful case studies of the university libraries in the United States. The web-contents being analyzed are retrieved from 12 university libraries in the “Aim for the Top University Plan” administered by the Ministry of Education (Taiwan). As for the in-depth review, the interviewees are 12 university librarians and 10 managers from these 12 university libraries. This study finds four major general principles for university libraries when doing fundraising work: first, establishing a team to undertake library fundraising, second, seeking potential donors, third, participating in other fundraising activities, and the final step is maintaining a good fundraising management. Furthermore, some essential elements commonly mentioned by the fundraising experts: support from university principal, commitment of librarian, fundraising goals that live up to donors’ expectations, and an extensive fundraising network. Based on the interview result, most university libraries in Taiwan have not focused on fundraising work, and there are relatively few donors who are willing to donate to university libraries. Although almost every library has general guidelines on fundraising, few of them actively promote the need of fundraising. It may result from the lack of professional fundraisers in the libraries or proper fundraising training to library staffs. The most common practices on fundraising are: promoting fundraising news via library websites, attracting funding with needing on library collection and space, encouraging donors give small amounts of money to support academic journals, and cooperating with enterprises and companies. However, there are three difficulties on fundraising work mentioned by the 12 university librarians: for one, most librarians and even university librarians are not aware of the necessities and the imperative of fundraising, and librarians also lack of fundraising training; for another, the universities usually do not support library fundraising; for yet another, the donors’ motivation to give to university libraries is not strong. From the research result, the researcher have some suggestions to universities and university libraries: the university chairperson or financial manager should give more support to libraries; the university librarians need to lead the whole library to learn how to be a fundraiser, and they also have to market their libraries to attract gifts; the staffs have to be more open-minded and understand the need on fundraising. This paper is a preliminary study on fundraising for university libraries in Taiwan. The research explores possible ways to address fundraising challenges and hope to build a prospective fundraising program. Further studies on a larger scale investigating on other university libraries, or the studies on donors’ motivation, will be recommended.


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