  • 學位論文


A Study of Service Employee's Negative Emotion and Social Loafing Behavior

指導教授 : 林俊昇


在競爭激烈的服務產業中,服務員工的重要性不可同日而語,因為其與顧客的每一次接觸都會對於顧客服務體驗有著非常重要的影響。因此,對於服務品牌來說更應該好好管理其第一線的服務員工。服務員工的情緒與行為常會受到工作環境的影響,則對於公司的管理者來說,如何營造出可以降低員工負面情緒以及負面行為是一件非常重要的目標。然而,過去研究主要著重於探討影響服務員工正向行為的因素,卻忽略了可能導致服務員工負面行為的可能性。根據知覺公平理論,本研究建構一觀念性架構來探討服務員工在工作環境中所知覺到分配公平性與互動公平性兩部分,對於服務員工負面情緒的影響而使服務員工產生社會惰化的行為,最後對於顧客滿意度造成影響。透過98組顧客與服務員工的樣本進行問卷調查,並以結構方程式(Structural Equation Modeling)進行統計分析方法與假說檢定。實證結果顯示,員工互動公平性與分配公平性會透過員工負面情緒與社會惰化行為的中介來影響顧客滿意度。


Given the intense competition in service industry, frontline employees play an important role in enhancing customers’ service experiences. Past studies indicated that organizational factors will affect service employee’s positive emotions and behaviors, resulting in customer satisfaction. However, there has been little research exploring this issue from the perspective of employee negative emotions and behaviors. Based on justice theory, this research integrates related literature to build a conceptual framework exploring the influence of employee perceived justice (i.e., distributive and interactional justice) on customer satisfaction through employees’ negative emotion and social loafing behavior. Dyadic survey data from 98 service employee-customer pair showed that employee’s justice perceptions influence their negative emotions and behaviors, which in turn, affects customer satisfaction. Results, implications, limitations, and directions for future research are then discussed.


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