  • 學位論文


NAT Traversal with Interactive Connectivity Establishment for Internet of Things

指導教授 : 李允中


本論文起始於在IOT 生態系統裡面對P2P 連線的需求。P2P 連線簡言之就是在做NAT 穿透。本論文總結了各種不同的NAT 穿透的機制,同時討論了每個機制的優點與缺點。因為沒有一個完整的解法,所以最後使用了一個名為ICE 的架構。ICE 透過截長補短,能夠在所有可能連線成功的機制中選出最好的連線。ICE 只有定義在UDP 上,它的延伸ICE-TCP 則是增加了TCP 的穿透機制。我們發現有一個開源專案實作了ICE 的架構,而我則將以其為基底增加ICE-TCP 的部分。在本論文中,我總結了在實作過程中碰到的各種問題與解法。最後完成了ICE-TCP 的實作。


Originally P2P connection mainly used for VoIP applications which usually apply UDP. However, for IOT ecosystem, it is required to connect many devices directly and reliably. As a result, P2P TCP connection is required. The P2P connection problem can be solved by solving NAT traversal problem. This research work concludes different NAT traversal mechanisms along with their pros and cons. The ICE framework that tries to integrate differents along with its TCP extension ICE-TCP is introduced as well. Based on the open source ice4j which implemented ICE, this research work implements ICE-TCP. Issues and problems met during the implementation of ICE-TCP were addressed. Finally, a complete P2P TCP connection library is published.


P2P NAT Traversal ICE


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