  • 學位論文


Optimal Design of Structures with Openings Using Beam and Column Elements

指導教授 : 呂良正


現實的建築物通常都有梁柱系統,然而拓樸最佳化較難直接應用在現實的建築結構上,由於設計或施工層面的問題,無梁柱之系統較難施作,因此本研究期望拓樸的設計建構在有梁柱系統的架構下,因此使用了梁元素及柱元素來進行拓樸最佳化,讓拓樸最佳化更有可能應用在實際建築物上。結構物不可避免會有開門或開窗甚至配置管線,因此會有開孔的行為,而開孔會對結構物的勁度造成影響,因此本研究也希望透過最佳化的方式來將開孔造成的勁度影響降到最低。 本團隊曾經提出使用最陡梯度法當作是孔洞位置最佳化中孔洞的移動標準,因此本研究想多使用幾種演算法來比較其效果,其中局域演算法以Pattern search表現較佳,全域演算法以模擬退火法(Simulated Annealing)表現較佳,因此結合兩者之優點先使用全域的模擬退火法(SA),再使用局域的Pattern search來做最佳化,其表現比只做其中一種還要好,此種以全域演算法之結果當作起始值,在使用局域演算法使之收斂,在孔洞位置最佳化表現不錯,應該也可以適用在其他最佳化上。 本研究透過例題驗證加入柱元素之效果,且柱元素的勁度會影響拓樸形狀,在若加入柱元素的勁度不足,可能會使拓樸形狀較不規則。在同時加入梁元素和柱元素時,其兩者為剛接或是鉸接會對拓樸造成影響,在低樓層時影響較不明顯,高樓層時差異才會比較大。透過不同的外力形式的例題發現,若外力的形式是側向力,則拓樸形狀就會有較多的斜撐狀45度角桿件或是交叉桿件,若外力形式為垂直載重,則拓樸形狀會呈現墩柱狀或是拱橋狀。 孔洞位置最佳化結合拓樸最佳化的問題中,可以看出孔洞會往原本拓樸材料較少的地方移動,進一步驗證多層最佳化的可靠性。


Real buildings usually use beams and columns system, but topology optimization is difficult to apply in this system. This research expect to use topology optimization design in the buildings with beams and columns system. We use beam elements and column element to combine topology optimization, that topology optimization is more likely to make the application in the real buildings. There are many structures with openings like door, windows or room for pipes. Stiffness of structures will decrease because of openings. This research also expect to use optimization design to reduce the effect of stiffness. Our team have used the steepest descent method to determine the positions of openings. Therefore, this research want to use many kinds of algorithms to compare the effect. Pattern search and simulated annealing are better than other algorithms. We use simulated annealing to get the result, and then take the result using for the pattern search. The performance of using this method is better than only using one algorithm. This method is good for optimization of positions. This research verifies that the stiffness of column elements will affect the result of topology optimization. If stiffness of column elements is too small, the result of topology optimization will be irregular. Because the displacement fields between different elements do not match, it causes this result. The connection types between beam and column elements will also affect the result of topology optimization, but it only performs when the floor is high enough. The forms of force also affect the result of topology. Vertical force and lateral force cause different topology result.


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