  • 學位論文


An Empirical Study on the Distribution of Earmark Grants in the City of Kaohsiung.

指導教授 : 王宏文


本文的研究動機源於分配政策理論,該理論意指人們會偏好將利益集中在自身、成本由大眾分攤的政策,而有權力的分配者,例如民選首長、民意代表,會藉由將利益帶回自家選區,以爭取選民的持續支持。分配政策的研究面向甚廣,本文以議員所提地方建設建議事項為研究標的。議員所提地方建設建議事項是縣市議員向縣市政府提案,經行政機關審查、通過後執行之建設,特點是具有地方性、建設範圍較小、且惠及對象較為小眾,非常有利於分配者向選民邀功。本文採個案研究法,以2010年縣市合併後第一屆高雄市議員為研究對象,欲探討高雄市議員於2010年選舉時,各選區內的得票率分布狀況,與選後任內分配建議事項行為之間的相關性。根據過往研究結果,假設議員會傾向分配建議事項到自己上一屆選舉得票率較高的里,意即自己的票倉里;而縣市合併前原高雄縣及原高雄市議員、以及各選區當選得票率最高及最低的議員之間會有不同的分配行為。 本研究有幾點研究發現:首先,在所有高雄市議員之中,有超過一半的議員傾向回饋較多建議事項到自己的票倉里;再者,縣市合併前原高雄縣的議員,比起原高雄市的議員有更明顯回饋建議事項到自己票倉里的傾向;其三,當選得票率為同選區中最低的議員,多數會明顯回饋建議事項到自己的票倉里;最後,除了地方性的建設,許多議員提案的建議事項是用於補助學校或警察機關。


My research motivation is stemmed from "distributive policy". The theory of distributive policy argues that empowered distributors prefer to allocate more resources to specific groups or areas and transfer costs to the whole population in order to maximize their interests. Distributors who own the political power such as mayors or representatives will bring home the bacon to soliciting votes. There is much research specified on distributive policy, and this research focuses on the distribution of earmark grants. The characteristics of earmark grants are local, small-scale, few beneficiaries, and, most importantly, approved by councilors. It seems that councilors can take credit for earmark grants proposal due to those characteristics. I conduct a case study on earmark grants limited in the Kaohsiung City, and try to realize the relationship between the percentage of votes in 2010 council election and the following distributive behavior of the councilors' earmark grants during the term of office. According to previous research, they assume that councilors tend to distribute grants to where they gained high vote support, namely, their electoral bases. In addition, there may be the differences between former Kaohsiung County councilors and former Kaohsiung City councilors, as well as councilors with high and low vote support. The findings show that: first, over half of the councilors tend to distribute more grants to their own electoral bases. Second, compared to former Kaohsiung City councilors, former Kaohsiung County councilors are more willing to propose grants for their electoral bases. Third, councilors with lowest vote support, compared to others in the same electoral district, were more willing to bring back the grants to their electoral bases. Finally, earmark grants are obviously inclined to be dispensed to schools or police offices.


王鼎銘、詹富堯,2006,<台灣地方財政的政治景氣循環分析: 固定效果與隨機效果模型的估算比較>,《台灣政治學刊》,10(2):63-100。
