  • 學位論文


A Study of Factors Influencing Popularity of Branded Content in Facebook Fan Pages Based on Data Analysis

指導教授 : 曹承礎


近年來,使用社群網站的公司數量急遽的增加,公司視社群網站為另外一種渠道,更親身體驗其益處,如促進客戶開發、增加產品曝光,獲取新客戶與維繫現有客戶關係等。因此,許多公司企圖藉由多種形式與特色的貼文內容去吸引使用者觀看以及與客戶進行互動,由於好的內容才會誘使使用者進一步去做互動,以發揮社群網站的最大效用。然而,如何有效吸引使用者、吸引更多的客戶,仍就是一個未解的謎題。管理內容發展包含許多不同的面向,包括呈現的內容、什麼樣的類別,以及如何決定最適當的時間發布,才能受到使用者喜愛。為了加強對於內容策略的了解,本篇研究提出一些方法,藉由發展社群網站的內容來觀察顧客參與表現行為。 根據使用與滿足理論框架,本篇研究專注於透過內容發展來滿足顧客。藉由學術文獻上的參考與實際的案例分析,本研究識別出幾個重要的管理內容發展經營指標,能夠去影響內容人氣的程度,分別是貼文型態、發文星期、發文時間、貼文種類與管理者有無回覆。本篇研究使用台灣零售產業7-Eleven為主要探討對象,並且檢驗不同國家與產業下,經營指標對於各粉絲專頁其帶來的影響。 透過本研究,我們發現發文時間、貼文種類與管理者有無回覆對於顧客參與帶來相當顯著的影響,並且也證實管理內容發展方式的不同會讓顧客參與行為有所不同。另外,我們也發現國外與國內的粉絲專頁整體表現有相當大的差異,而國內的整體表現較為相像;不同產業的粉絲專頁整體表現有相當大的差異,而相同產業則較為相像。這些發現可以改善公司對於內容特色上的了解,以及知道如何有效地去刺激顧客參與於社群網站。


Recently, the number of enterprises using social network sites (SNS) grows up sharply. As a brand new marketing approach, SNS let the company users get the benefits right away, for instances, exposures increasing, potential customers locating, and loyalty buildings. Therefore, lots of enterprises attempt to absorb the eye balls and gather more chance to interact with customers by constructing spectacular and delightful contents on SNS. In the other hand, how to effectively get more views and target customers are still unknown issue, business users have to concern about various parts like “how to present”, “what’s the topic” and “when to upload” to match the needs of the customers. In order to investigate the issue, this study here provide some means to survey customer acts by building the contents of SNS. Based on the use and gratification framework, this study focus on satisfying customers through content development. By case literature studies, we could verify a few important indexes of planning and development which are able to control the popularity of the contents. The indexes are type of posts, which weekday of the posts, the uploading time, the category of posts and responding from admins. This study takes the retailor enterprise 7-Eleven from Taiwan as the main study target and examine the impacts from the indexes in different countries and industries. For the conclusion, we could point out the uploading time, the category of posts and responding from admins cause huge difference for customer behaviors. Furthermore, for the presentation, foreign fans pages are mostly differ from domestic ones, but share quite the same situation between the domestic fans pages. In terms of industry types, we could also getting the same conclusions. The findings are able to improve enterprise users to understand the attributes of quality content and how to promote positive customer engagement on SNS.


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