  • 學位論文

漁會侍從連結的變遷(1985-2016)-以基隆區漁會 為例

The Change of Cliental Linkage of the Fisherman's Association (1985-2016): Case Studies in Keelung

指導教授 : 王業立


農、漁會和水利會在台灣的地方政治當中,經常扮演著協助地方派系、政黨選舉動員的角色。不過由於漁會位置分散、會員人數不足以使特定區域候選人當選,使得漁會在地方政治的研究當中,並不如農會般受到學者關注。過去的文獻中未見針對漁會與派系、政黨間互動過程的討論。因此,本研究要問的問題是,漁會在地方政治上扮演的角色究竟為何?並且在經過了地方與中央的政黨輪替之後,會產生何種轉變?漁會和派系、政黨之間的侍從結構是否變遷或消失? 本研究以漁會為主要視角,並選定基隆為個案。基隆漁業發達,漁會長期在地方政治上扮演重要角色,歷屆九位理事長中有三位曾經擔任過市議員,其重要性不可言喻。近年來,由於基隆地方政經環境變遷,地方派系在地方上亦漸趨式微,並朝兩黨化發展,既有的侍從結構產生改變。檢視基隆漁會個案後發現:(一)漁會在地方政治上的動員能力不如以往,單憑漁會的支持不足以左右選情。(二)由於漁會的財政仰賴地方政府補助,加上漁港建設受中央漁業政策影響甚深。因此,在民進黨取得中央政權和地方政權之後,漁會過去與國民黨間的侍從連結已經鬆動,進而往執政黨靠攏,執政黨亦能透過行政資源拉攏漁會。本研究認為,從基隆的個案可以看出傳統的侍從連結鬆動、恩庇連結的兩黨化、多黨化,呼應先前若干研究的結果。同時,民進黨的侍從連結,與過去國民黨的方式有所不同,其一方面透過政策式侍從網絡連結漁民,另一方面又以私人交情、提供服務來拉攏漁會主事者,藉以改變漁會政治動員的對象。然而,此種連結方式是否出現在其他民進黨執政的縣市、又是否成功改變農漁會的政黨屬性,則有賴後進研究者更多的研究補足。


漁會 侍從主義 地方派系


In Taiwan’s local politics, Farmers’ Associations, Irrigations Associations, and Fishermen’s Associations are significant contributors providing resources of electoral mobilization for local factions and political parties. However, the Fishermen’s Associations are less concerned in the study of local politics due to the sporadically located feature as well as the insufficient members for candidates to win the local election. Past studies have paid little attention to the interaction between Fishermen’s Associations, local factions, and parties. In order to understand the interaction, the paper will answer following questions: what is the role the Fishermen’s Association plays in local politics? How does the party alternation at the national and local level impact on the role? Does the change of political environment strengthen or weaken the cliental linkage between the Fishermen’s Association and local factions? In this paper, Keelung Fishermen’s Association in Keelung is concentrated. The Fishermen’s Association has long been an important player in Keelung’s politics due to the prosperity of the fishery industry in the region. For example, 3 out of 9 Chairmen of the Association were elected as members of the city council. The development of the political and economic environment led to the decline of local factions and emergence of the two-party system. At the same time, the established cliental structure has been changed. There are 3 findings in the research: first, the ability of electoral mobilization of the Fishermen’s Association has decreased. Though supported by the Association, candidates still encountered difficulties winning the election. Second, the worsening operating conditions of the Association resulted in the dependence on the subsidy of the government, particularly the local government after the introduction of the Local Government Act. With the success of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), the relationship between Keelung Fishermen’s Association and Kuomintang (KMT) was weakened and the phenomenon of “patron shift” was found in the cliental structure. Third, a new relationship was observed in the linkage between the Association and the DPP. The DPP consolidated the supports of fishermen by providing not only favorable policies, but also private services and relations. The conclusions regarding the change of the cliental linkage and diversification of patrons are consistent with the findings of past studies. Nevertheless, more research is needed to investigate whether the linkage between the DPP and Keelung Fishermen’s Association exists in other cities, and whether the loyalty of such Associations will be changed successfully by the linkage.


