  • 學位論文


The demand and service model of high level health management service

指導教授 : 劉順仁 黃崇興


醫療是維護個人健康最重要的因素之一,對於民眾而言,想要獲得身心靈健康的需求是必要的,每個人都想要健健康康,想要過好的生活品質,然而現有的醫療模式已無法滿足於高階富有人士的需求。 本文旨在調查高階經理人的醫療需求並提出相關健康管理模式供參考。根據本次高階經理人的醫療需求及滿意度調查發現,共收集150位台灣大學EMBA的畢業生或在學生,其分佈足堪為M型社會中的高端族群。 調查結果發現,對於台灣的醫療服務,有八成的高階經理人是滿意或非常滿意的,且有約三分之二的人認為台灣健保的保費是便宜或非常便宜的,然而,仍然有約一成的人對於門診、急診或是住院服務認為是不滿意或是非常不滿意,故有近九成的高階經理人願意另外付費去取得更好的健康服務。 至於高階經理人若參加醫療服務專屬會員制服務時,有91.3%希望有專屬家庭醫師提供專屬服務,顯現家庭醫師制度的重要性。另外從中部某醫療機構所推出的高階健康管理服務而言,其會員在過去十年入會的年複合成長率高達258%,後續的續約比率在近5年也高達9成多,顯見此需求是十分強勁的且有助於優良的醫療機構開創藍海市場。


Medical service is one of the most important factors for personal health. People want to live health in physical, psychological, social, and spiritual aspects. Healthy life and pursue high quality of life are the goal for everyone. However, current medical service in Taiwan is difficult to satisfy to high-level rich people. We aimed to assess the medical demand for high-level managers and provide the solution for high-level health management service. Medical service demand and satisfaction questionnaire were collected from high-level managers graduate or current students from National Taiwan University executive MBA (EMBA) program from January 2017 to February 2017. Finally, 150 high-level managers agreed and completed the questionnaire. The distribution of these managers is comparable with the high-end in M model society. The results showed that 80 % high-level managers is satisfied or very satisfied with Taiwan’s medical service. Two-third of them felt that the health insurance fee is cheap or very cheap. Around 10 % of them felt dissatisfied or very dissatisfied for outpatient service, emergency service, and inpatient service for Taiwan’s medical service. 90 % of them agree to pay more by themselves to get high-level medical service. More than 90 % of them request family physician service if they participate in the high-level health management service which emphasize the importance of family physician. The compound annual growth rate in past 10 years for the high-level health management service provided from the medical institute in middle-Taiwan is as high as 258 %. The continue renewal rate is above 90 % in past 5 years. From these two points, the demand of high-level health management service is strong and deserve to discover.


