  • 學位論文


New Thinking about Personnel Training in Architectural Design

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥


近年來,台灣的建築設計產業面臨嚴重的人才短缺困境,主要原因來自於:(1)全球化與中國大陸崛起的衝擊,使得留在台灣建築設計業發展不再是相關科系畢業學生的唯一選擇與出路;(2)建築設計業的工時長、壓力大,以致人員流動率高,再加上電腦應用軟體與工程技術的不斷創新,提高了建築設計案的難度與挑戰;(3)台灣的學校建築教育注重且鼓勵學生的創意發想,但卻欠缺足夠的專業養成訓練。 一般而言,一個建築設計案從開始設計到完工往往需要3年以上的時間,其間除了需要有能符合設計需求的創意、各種與案子相關的知識技能之外,尚需具備與業主和團隊溝通協調的能力。但台灣相關科系畢業的新鮮人,往往要先經過數年的專業養成訓練,才能處理複雜的設計案,若其中途離職,不但事務所先前的投入付諸流水,且又必須重新開始招募與訓練的過程。 為解決上述困境,本研究首先比較台灣與歐美建築教育的差異,討論其對台灣建築設計業的影響,並整理建築設計業的產業生態與所需具備之技能,接著以個案分析,探討以往人才養成方式的利弊得失,以及思考如何引進新制度來加以改善,最後則歸納提出研究結論與建議。


In recent years, architectural design in Taiwan has faced a serious personnel shortage, the main reasons for which are: (1) the impact of globalization and the rise of China have given graduates choices beyond staying and furthering their careers; (2) long working hours and high stress result in high turnover rates, and continuing advancements in computer software and construction technologies pose challenges for architectural projects; (3) architecture education in Taiwan emphasizes and encourages creative thinking, but there is a lack of teaching and training in professional practice. Generally speaking, architectural projects take more than three years to complete, from the beginning of the design phase to the completion of the construction. Not only does this process require creativity to draw up schemes that fulfill the programming requirements, as well as other project-related knowledge and skills, but it also requires the ability to communicate and negotiate with the client and the design team. But graduates in these fields in Taiwan usually have to undergo several years of professional training before they can handle complex projects. If they leave the firm in the middle of this training, the firm will have wasted its investment and will also have to restart the recruitment and training process. In response to this crisis, the thesis first compares architecture education in Taiwan with that in the U.S. and Europe, and discusses the influence of the latter on the architectural design business in Taiwan. Next, the thesis lays out the industrial ecology and its requisite skills. The thesis also uses case studies to examine the pros and cons of conventional programs of personnel development and considers how to bring in new systems to mitigate the situation. Finally, the thesis ends with conclusions and suggestions.


1. 張茂芸譯,2012,建築大師:諾曼‧佛斯特,台北:天下遠見。Deyan Sudjic,2010,Norman Foster A Life in Architecture, Weidenfeld Nicolson.
2. 管婧譯,2011,「現代主義大師的建築帝國」,英國金融時報。Emma Jacobs,2011,Driven Designer Constructs A Global Empire, Financial Times, January 31.
3. 錢思程,2006,「設計方程式與孕育場:維也納的建築工作室」,台灣建築,第129期,頁86-91。
