  • 學位論文


An analysis of users’preference of the OTT online content services

指導教授 : 連勇智


隨著網際網路的發展,以及個人電腦、智慧型手機、平板電腦等行動裝置的普及,閱聽人對新聞新知與生活娛樂等資訊接受方式與行為改變,也致使傳統媒體轉型,或是出現新興型態的線上影視服務業者,欲搶攻這塊市場,然而臺灣OTT市場中之跨國與本土業者競爭激烈,卻仍未有具領導地位之業者,主因為各家業者之商業模式皆不盡相同,所提供之服務內容也有所區隔,但無論何種商業模式,消費者即使用者係影響線上影視服務生存、獲利之關鍵因素,因此本研究主要以使用線上影視服務的消費者為中心,探討其觀看線上影視服務之目的與需求與影響其對線上影視服務付費的關鍵因素。 本研究透過深度訪談法了解七位現有使用線上影視服務之消費者,並從其使用習慣、使用之利益動機與需求滿足與對影音廣告之看法等面向切入,擬定訪談稿,分別探討其使用行為之偏好、目的與需求。研究結果發現,閱聽人使用線上影視服務之動機與目的為:整合及社會互動、娛樂、資訊需求。閱聽人對線上影視服務之內容豐富度與介面極為要求,而影響閱聽人對線上影視服務付費的關鍵因素為更新更快的節目內容、流暢的播放速度、支援跨螢幕、裝置之播放與阻絕廣告。


With the development of Internet and the popularization of personal computer, smart phone, tablet and any other mobile devices, the way and behavior audience contact with news or entertainment changed. Due to this change, many traditional media companies start to transform and many new online content services provider also want to compete in this market. Although Taiwan’s OTT market have both local and global providers, however, there is no one leading company succeed. Because different providers have different business models and they provide different content to different segments. But no matter what their business models are, the key to influence the survival or profitability of online content services providers is the consumer. As a result, this study focuses on the user of online content services and discusses their purpose and need of using online content services and the key factors of influencing their willingness to pay. This study investigates seven users of online content services by using depth interview method. To find out user’s preferences, purpose and demand, I prepare my interview content from different orientations such as their using behavior, interest motivation and demand satisfaction and opinions to the online video advertisements. The results of the study found that the using motivation and purpose of audience are integration and social interaction, entertainment, information needs. Audience strictly required the richness of content and the interface of the online content services. And the key to influence user’s willingness to pay of online content services are latest and fastest content, smoothly speed, multi screen support and multi device support, advertisements blocking.


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一、 英文文獻
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