  • 學位論文


The 'System' and The ‘individual’ in Haruki Murakami's Writing –in The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle and 1Q84

指導教授 : 范淑文


村上春樹早期的作品,故事中的主角大部份沒有提及全名及任何身份背景,沒有親人、也沒有特別親近的朋友,因此也不隸屬於任何團體,可說是相當「個人主義」的描寫。但這種毫無背景,彷彿與社會毫不相干的人物設定,在1990年代,也就是《國境之南、太陽之西》以及《發條鳥年代記》出版的時期,主角開始被賦予漢字表記的姓名、有家庭及自身背景的描述,並且,在《發條鳥年代記》的故事內容中,對於「諾門罕戰爭」的描述相當多;而《1Q84》則看得到「奧姆真理教」的影子。這些主角設定的轉變以及將真實歷史、社會事件改編進作品的跡象,皆顯示出村上春樹從與社會「detachment(不關心、脫節)」的態度,到「commitment(介入、相關)」的轉變。同時也能觀察到在這些與社會連結的作品中,描寫「system(組織、體制)」的比重增加了。 因此,本研究選定《發條鳥年代記》及《1Q84》這兩部故事背景都設定在1984年的作品,以文本分析為主,並以社會學及心理學之研究為輔,來探討這兩部作品中所出現的「system」樣貌,及其與作品中代表「個人」的登場人物之關係。《發條鳥年代記》將著重於歷史描寫部分,探討「國家」這個最大的體制社會所展現出的「集體意識」「權力體制」「家父長制」等樣貌;而《1Q84》則著重在封閉的組織系統之「思想控制」「集體意識」等樣貌。並分析在這些「system」的壓抑之下,對於「個人」的影響、而「個人」又是如何與之相抗衡。 本研究目的,即為透過作品理解村上春樹小說中所反映出的日本社會樣貌或現代社會問題,並探討這些社會問題是否帶給作者對於「System」看法之變化。


The main protagonist in Haruki Murakami’s earlier works are often not given a full name or any background information, such as relatives or even particularly close friends. As such, the character is not tied to any group of people– a befitting expression of individualism. And yet, during the 90's, when South of the Border, West of the Sun and The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle were published, this type of setting of characters who had no background and seemingly no ties to society were replaced by that the main protagonist started to be given a name with Kanji characters, a family, and a personal history. In The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, descriptions of the Battle of Khalkhin Gol were abundant, and in 1Q84, mentions of the Aum Shinrikyo, a Japanese cult, can be seen. The character setting transition and the incorporation of actual history and social events into his works reveal a change in the attitude of Murakami from being one of ‘social detachment’ to one of ‘social commitment’. What can be seen as well in these socially relevant works is the increase in the proportion that talks about 'the system'. This study has therefore chosen The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle and 1Q84, both stories set in 1984, to analyze primarily through the novel text with the secondary supplement of studies in Sociology and Psychology, in order to investigate the System described in these two works, as well as its relationship to the characters that represents individualism. Investigation of The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle is focused on the sections that describe historical events, exploring collectivism, the power structure, and patriarchy – ideas demonstrated by the nation, the largest of social systems, while the investigation of 1Q84, which heavily describes enclosed systems, analyzes ideas of mind control and collectivism. Furthermore, analysis is conducted on how the system repression influences the individual, and how the individual opposes this influence. The purpose of this research is to understand the image of the Japanese society, in other words, its modern social problems, as reflected in Murakami novels through his writing, and to investigate whether these social problems cause any changes in the author’s viewpoint toward the System.


Collectivism Power Structure Patriarchy Collective Individual


1. 村上春樹「ねじまき鳥クロニクル」『村上春樹全作品1990〜2000④』講談  社、2003
2. 村上春樹「ねじまき鳥クロニクル」『村上春樹全作品1990〜2000⑤』講談社、2003
3. 村上春樹「アンダーグラウンド」『村上春樹全作品1990〜2000⑥』講談社、2003
4. 村上春樹「約束された場所で」『村上春樹前作品1990〜2000⑦』講談社、2003
