  • 學位論文

台灣品牌如何有效進軍全球中小企業市場的商業模式研究 —從外商Cisco / Ubiquiti及台灣網通品牌公司友訊之比較

Business Model Study for Taiwan Branding Company Entering SMB Market in an Efficient Way —Comparing Taiwan Networking Leading Company D-Link with Global leading Companies Cisco and Ubiquiti

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥


“品牌, 是創造高附加價值的重要元素; 台灣企業的品牌發展,更是影響台灣整體升級與競爭力提升的重要關鍵”。由經濟部工業局所推動”品牌台灣發展計畫”中,清楚地希望能引領台灣企業能夠擺脫ODM/OEM的低毛利沒有長期穩定獲利保證的宿命,走向以國際市場為主戰場建立台灣品牌提升台灣企業的永續經營能力。但是觀察十年來能夠穩穩站在二十大裡面的企業卻沒有幾個,而這些廠商卻也花了數十年建立了全球的據點及經銷體系,但當遇到中國大陸品牌廠商低價策略席捲全球時卻無力招架。對於台灣新興品牌廠商, 希望建立全球品牌的同時,一方面必須投資很多人力及時間才能建立銷售點銷售全球,另一方面又必須能經得起大陸低價的競爭,長期而言是否能持續獲利,常常令人裹足不前或是只能在幾個國家小小的嘗試。本論文針對此議題,挑選在全球各地都比較具有相同特性的中小企業,研究網通業中的全球領導廠商 – 思科 (Cisco), 以及台灣網通業龍頭 – 友訊 (D-Link),以及新興的全球網通品牌公司 – Ubiquiti 為實例,依照 Osterwalder的商業模式九個象限深入分析其異同,試圖找出適合於台灣品牌廠商,在假設產品差異化的影響不大的前提下,能夠透過商業模式的設計,不但在價格上有競爭力,還能夠有足夠的獲利,並同時累積公司客戶資源,建立被複製的門檻。


中小企業 商業模式 網通業


“Branding is the key element to create high added value; whereas the branding development of Taiwan enterprise is also a essential element to uplift the competitiveness of Taiwan industry.“ - Taiwan MoEA (Ministry of Economic Affairs) clearly indicates in his “Branding Taiwan Campaign” program, to lead Taiwan enterprise to move away from low margin, no long-term stable profit OEM/ODM business, to a sustainable-management-capability equipped branding enterprise based on international marketas home market. However you can hardly find a branding company who can sustainably be listed in Top 20 Taiwan Branding Company list for past 10 years, and these top 20 companies spent couple decades of time and money to build global operation and global channel, but cannot compete at all while encountering even lower price competitors like China branding companies。 For new branding Companies to enter global market, they will face the dilemma whether to invest big amount of effort and time to establish global selling points, and the same time, they need to build high core competence barrial to prevent from low price competition from China Companies; which very likely ends up ODM/OEM business or only focus on few niche Countries. This research selects Networking equipment industy on SMB market whose demand charateristics are similar across the world, and choose a worldwide leading company – Cisco, a local leading company – D-Link, and a emerging global company – Ubiquiti, trying to find out a suitable business model for Taiwan branding Companies, based on Business model canvas Model by Osterwalder. Because this research focuses on global business model to see how different business model might affect the result, we neglect the product difference from these Companies, and for SMB market, the product difference is also minimal.


SMB Business Model Networking Industry


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