  • 學位論文


Development of Leisure Participation Questionnaire

指導教授 : 曾美惠


背景: 現今全球老化問題隨著醫學及科技進步而逐漸增加。面臨人口老化持續加快,如何維持一個人老化歷程中健康與安適是十分重要的。過去研究顯示出參與休閒活動對於老年人具有多種益處,包括生理及心理之安適感。過去文獻中,針對老年族群所使用之休閒活動參與量表探討的面向多為「參與頻率」。然而,迄今仍無研究將多樣性、頻率、和誰一起、地點、喜好程度等環境及個人因素一併考量於同一份量表中,以便對於老年族群參與休閒活動之情形有更完整之了解。 目的: 本研究目的為二:(1)發展一老年人休閒活動參與量表,除了考量休閒活動之種類、頻率,也將納入參與活動之陪同者、地點以及個人喜好等,(2)以此發展之老人休閒活動參與量表,探討老年人休閒活動參與之情形。 方法: 此研究分為兩階段。此兩階段之收案條件皆為:(1)年滿60歲以上且(2)可以中文或台語溝通者。排除條件為患有嚴重腦傷、失智症及其他認知相關疾病者。第一階段透過五個步驟:文獻回顧、初步量表項目發展、專家效度、量表測試及信度分析,發展為老年休閒活動參與量表(Leisure Participation Questionnaire)。第一階段完成後,由研究者至位於台北之社區單位向個案說明研究內容並協助其填寫研究量表。第二階段為探討老年人之休閒活動參與情形,分析全體研究個案參與休閒活動之種類、頻率、陪同者、地點、喜好及重要程度。 結果: 本研究共納入149位個案,其中30位於四周後進行第二次施測。第一階段研究所發展之「老人休閒活動參與量表」共包含31項休閒活動及六個面向:多樣性(Diversity)、頻率(Frequency)、與誰一起(With whom)、地點(Where)、喜好(Preference)及重要程度(Value)。研究結果顯示此量表具有良好信度,其內部一致性分析以其中三個面向: 頻率(Frequency)、喜好(Preference)及重要程度(Value)呈現,Cronbach’s alpha分別為.792、 .794及.799皆屬高信度。再測信度分析結果顯示六個面向中,多樣性(ρ =.619)、強度(r =.718)、與誰一起(ρ =.717)及地點(ρ =.660)皆達中至高信度,而喜好(r =.370)及重要程度(r =.387)屬於較主觀之面向,因而其再測信度較低。第二階段之研究結果顯示個案之平均年齡為70.7歲(SD=6.35),83.9%為女性,60%為接受九年以上教育者,55%屬於衰弱長者。於全體個案中,參與比例最高的兩個活動為「聊天(99%)」及「與家人、朋友聚會(99%)」,而比例最低的為「游泳(8.1%)」。參與休閒活動之「與誰一起」面向比例最高為「自己(39.2%)」,「地點」中比例最高為「在家(36.76%)」。老年人參與休閒活動之「喜好」及「重要程度」則皆介於「喜歡」和「很喜歡」。另外,將個案依據年齡、教育程度及衰弱程度區分為各兩組,研究結果顯示年齡較低及教育程度較高者參與休閒活動多樣性及強度較高,達顯著差異。 結論: 本研究顯示此由上述六個活動參與面向及四個活動類型所組成之老人休閒活動參與量表為一可信之工具。未來研究及臨床應用可藉由此量表,考量多種參與面向及休閒活動項目,以全面地了解老年人參與休閒活動之情形。


Background: With advances in medicine and technology, the increase of aging population is taking place worldwide. Confronted with such rapid growing aging population, maintaining one’s health and well-being throughout late life is of great urgency. A multitude of studies have revealed the benefits of participating in leisure activities for older adults’ mental and physical well-being. Through literature review of measures of leisure participation among older adults, the most often measured dimension of participation is frequency. However, to date, no research has considered diversity, frequency, with whom, where, preference and value altogether, for a comprehensive profile of the leisure participation among older adults. Objectives: The purpose of this study was two-fold: (1) to develop a leisure participation questionnaire in order to have a comprehensive profile of older adults’ leisure participation, considering not only frequency and types of activities, but also who they do leisure activities with, at what location, and their preference altogether, and (2)to investigate the profile of leisure participation among community-dwelling older adults. Methods: This research was conducted in two phases. The inclusion criteria of participants of both research phases were (1) older adults aged more than 60 years and (2) being capable of communicating in Mandarin Chinese or Taiwanese Hokkien. Those with severe brain injury, dementia, and other cognitive-related diseases will be excluded. In phase I, the questionnaire was developed through five steps: literature review, preliminary item development, expert validation, pilot testing and reliability of the questionnaire. After the Leisure Participation Questionnaire was developed, researcher recruited participants from different community sites in Taipei and assisted them to fill out the questionnaire one-to-one. The data were then analyzed in phase II to investigate older adults’ leisure participation profile. Results: 149 older adults were recruited in this research and the second administration was conducted after a four-week interval on 30 participants. The Leisure Participation Questionnaire developed in phase I has 31 leisure activities and six dimensions: Diversity, Frequency, With whom, Where, Preference and Value. The internal consistencies of the Frequency, Preference and Value dimensions were .792, .794, and .799 respectively. The results of test-retest reliability of the Diversity, Frequency, With whom and Where dimension showed moderate to high reliability, while the dimensions of Preference and Value showed lower reliability. The results of phase II showed that among all participants, “chatting (99%)” and “getting together with family and friends (99%)” have the highest participation rate, while the lowest was “swimming (8.1%)”. As to the dimension of With whom, the rating “on one’s own (39.2%)” was the highest, and the rating “at home (36.8%)” was the highest in the dimension of Where. The ratings of the dimension Preference and Value were both between “pretty much” and “very much”. In addition, the results of the t-tests showed that significantly higher diversity and frequency among older adults who were younger and with higher education level. Conclusion: The Leisure Participation Questionnaire, which includes six dimensions, has good reliability. By using this questionnaire, future research and health professionals can have a comprehensive profile of older adults’ leisure participation.


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