  • 學位論文


An Investigation of Market Strategy for the Wearable Devices:A Case Study of GOLiFE

指導教授 : 柯承恩
共同指導教授 : 劉啟群(Chi-Chun Liu)


從2012年開始,穿戴式裝置即吸引大家注目,認為該產品將有爆發性的成長,無不預測每年皆有倍數增長,但穿戴裝置的棄用率卻十分的高,不論是Apple Watch、Android Wear智慧手錶、運動手錶,或是智能手環,不停的出新產品或加強行銷,只靠廣告及行銷就可以讓消費者買單,進而取得一定的市占率以賺取利潤嗎? 穿戴式裝置要能成功的關鍵要素為何?在取得一定市占率之後,該如何讓使用者持續且長久的使用,進而能夠重複消費,讓企業獲得穩定收益?穿戴式裝置還有哪些應用層面,能推出哪些不同功能性的產品,或者品牌認同感就能為產品創造附加價值,保持其市占率嗎? 本論文希望藉由研究公司個案,分析為何穿戴式產品種類眾多,至今卻只有智慧手錶以及智慧手環廣為消費者接受?並企圖找出穿戴式產品成功的關鍵因素為何?以及在這個產業競爭中,個案公司應採取何種策略才能夠持續成功。


Since 2012, wearable devices have attracted people’s attention. People believe these products will see explosive growth in sales, with multiple growths in every year. However, the abandonment rate of wearable devices is very high. How to encourage users to continue using the product for long period of time, and thus can repeat the purchases, allowing the enterprises to maintain a stable income? What are the other applications of the wearable device that can be applied to products with different functions? This research is going to analyze the strategies adopted in the wearable devices market; how the case companies be success in the industry? In the face of numerous competitors, how the case companies show their advantages and maintain their market position until today? How to provide useful feedback to consumers, providing them more incentives to wear these devices and enhance the situational interest of user experience?


Five Forces Model Wearable Devices GARMIN Fitbit GOLiFE


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