  • 學位論文


The Expansion Strategy of Taiwanese Banks Under The New Southbound Policy

指導教授 : 廖咸興


台資銀行業在國內競爭環境下,為求更高收益,將資源導向相對具經濟成長潛力的新南向政策區域國家佈局,該區域已有不少台商投資及華人移民,對於台資銀行前往拓展業務相對有文化融合上的優勢,故台資銀行南向投資除可獲取國際化之套利空間外,對當地台商及該國在台之外商客戶,可提供跨國金融服務之附加價值。 本研究利用SWOT分析模型、PEST分析模型及CAGE分析模型等,從台資銀行本身的優、劣勢分析出發,擴及台資銀行所處的產業環境,再延伸到對新南向區域國家與台灣在各面向的相對距離/差異做分析、歸納,並提出建議,可提供台資銀行配合新南向政策佈局的地點選擇之參考,此外本研究亦對新南向政策區域國家的相關重要金融資訊歸納分析,亦為台資銀行評估海外投資佈局時的重要參考依據。 銀行在決定進行海外投資時,金融監理機關的審核政策是能否前往海外投資的重要關鍵,台資銀行宜善用此刻政府政策面支持之機會,積極前往新南向區域佈局。本研究建議台資銀行在前往新南向政策區域投資時,應以紐、澳及東協十國(汶萊除外)為優先選擇,東協中又以菲律賓、馬來西亞及泰國為首選,其次選擇是越南、印尼及柬埔寨;進入市場的方式則宜考量台灣母行的自身風險承擔程度來決定,一般而言以直接「併購」當地既有銀行的方式最具效率,因該方式較符合當地國家利益而相對較易獲准,更可同時獲得多個經營據點及較完整之經營執照,有效縮短佈局時程。


Under the highly competitive Taiwanese banking market, Taiwanese banks should explore the possibility of allocating surplus capitals to countries with high economic growth potentials under the New Southbound Policy. This study utilizes SWOT, PEST and CAGE analysis models, from micro to macro, discusses both the advantages and disadvantages that Taiwanese banks possess, and the current overall banking industry environment in Taiwan, then expands to the countries specified under the New Southbound Policy and discusses and analyzes the differences in terms of cultures, administration, geographic characteristics and economy, finally, make recommendations. During the process, this study compiles and analyzes key economic and financial data of the countries specified in the New Southbound Policy, which can be used as a reference for Taiwanese banks that are exploring overseas investment opportunities. This study concludes that the key determinant whether a Taiwanese bank can successfully expand into a country specified by New Southbound Policy is Taiwanese regulatory control. Taiwanese banks should take advantage of the current Southbound Policy and exercise proper risk management. For Taiwanese banks, the recommendation is to expand in Singapore, Australia, New Zealand and the members of ASEAN with the exception of Brunei. The preferred choices of ASEAN are Philippines, Malaysia and Thailand, secondary choices are: Vietnam, Indonesia and Cambodia. The proposed entry strategy is to acquire fully operating local banks which is more efficient in growing number of branches and obtaining local licenses. By doing so, Taiwanese banks can develop management teams and build up overseas experience, and will also shorten the gap between other global competitors, allowing banks’ long term growth.


李沃牆,2016,「新南向政策定調-在東協一體化及伊斯蘭金融的商機與挑戰」,會計研究月刊, p26-p31。
