  • 學位論文


Environmental Kuznets Curves:An Evidence on Panel Data with CO2 emissions

指導教授 : 林建甫


以環境顧志耐曲線(Environmental Kuznets Curve)研究環境與所得之間的關係,是長期以來大家關注的議題;然而,此一假說正反論述始終沒有一致的結論。本研究欲使用追蹤資料模型進行EKC假說的驗證,使用亞洲19個國家自1965至2014年之年資料作為樣本,使用二氧化碳排放量作為被解釋變數,人均GDP以及其平方作為解釋變數,並且將橫斷面相關及異質性係數假設納入模型之中,最後得到14個國家符合EKC假說。


Using Environmental Kuznets Curve to verify the relationship between income and environment has attracted extensive attention worldwide. However, EKC hypothesis nowadays don’t have an unified conclusion. In this research, we provide a panel data model to verify EKC hypothesis, with 19 Asian countries’ from 1965 to 2014 data. We use CO2 emission as our dependent variable, GDP and square GDP as our independent variables. In this research, we take into cross-sectional dependence and hetrogeneous coefficient, as the result, 14 of 19 countries follow EKC hypothesis.


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