  • 學位論文


Extracting WSDLs from Open Source Code

指導教授 : 李允中


服務組合引擎能利用及組合異質性的服務,而為實現其功能,服務的來源將成為一個問題。本研究提出一個想法:若能透過從網路上的大量的開放原始碼中抽取出服務,可以大幅擴充服務組合引擎所能利用的服務數量。在本研究中,我們透過一個DevOps系統自動處理原始碼,包含自網路上擷取原始碼並建構、測試以及發佈,並使用正規表示法解析原始碼以抽取出能作為服務的方法。針對抽取出的服務,我們實作程式自動生成REST 網路服務伺服端的程式碼,並解析服務資訊以生成服務組合引擎所能利用的WSDL 檔案。


A service composition engine can invoke and compose heterogeneous services with various protocols and content types. To realize the functionality of engine, there is an issue for finding sources of services. We give an idea to resolve the issue: Extracting services from source code which are large amount in the Internet to increase the number of service used by engine. In this research work, we provide a system of DevOps for processing open source code, including crawling source code from the Internet, building, testing and publishing the source code. Then, we use regular expression for parsing the source code to extract service from it. For the extracted services, we make a generator automatically generating the code of REST service service. We also parsed the information of generated service for generating the WSDL file of service which could be used by service composition engine.


[1] Android intent, [online] https://developer.android.com/reference/android/ content/Intent.html.
[2] Apache ant, [online] https://ant.apache.org/.
[3] Apache groovy, [online] http://groovy-lang.org/.
[4] Apache maven, [online] https://maven.apache.org/.
[5] Apache tomcat, [online] http://tomcat.apache.org/.
