  • 學位論文


An Empirical Analysis on Household Food Security and Vulnerability to Food Insecurity in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林國慶




Reduction of poverty and hunger is the focus of all countries worldwide and also an important human development goal. Over the past twenty years, the growth of food prices in Taiwan has surpassed the growth of average prices. In addition, household income inequality has gradually worsened and the number of low- and mid-income households is increasing year over year, making household food security an issue of concern for the government and the public. Currently, the government has established household food security measures but has yet to survey, monitor, and assess household food insecurity in Taiwan. This makes it difficult to get a clear picture of household food security and food insecurity vulnerability conditions. In addition, past literature shows that it is difficult to compare food security conditions of different families or judge standards of food security if there is little information related to quantity of household food consumption, household food security self-assessment, or dietary nutrition. This study integrates household food security concepts with utility of household food consumption, using a household equivalence scale and the quadratic almost ideal demand system to construct an equivalent scale function of non-agricultural households; this function was used to convert inequivalent household food expenditures of different families into food equivalent money-metric utility expenditures which estimates the average food utility per capita. The household food equivalent expenditure derived from study samples was used to derive the population distribution of non-agricultural household equivalent expenditures and was further used to calculate ratios of household food insecurity in Taiwan for the purposes of analyzing food insecurity vulnerability. Agricultural households usually consume their own product and therefore household food security levels may be underestimated if agricultural households are not excluded from empirical analyses. For this reason, only non-agricultural households were considered in this study. Study results are summarized as follows: (1) At household food security thresholds of $35,000, $40,000, $45,000, and $50,000, household food insecurity ratios were 0.7%, 2.4%, 5.6%, and 10.9%, respectively. (2) Household food security levels were lower for 2005 and 2008-2011 due to a sharp rise in food prices in 2005, the global food crisis of 2007-2008, and the global financial crisis of 2008-2009. (3) Household food insecurity ratios were highest for non-agricultural elderly families and single adults; DINKY families, single-parent families, and intergenerational families showed the second highest ratios. However, nuclear and DINKY families accounted for the highest proportion of food-insecure non-agricultural families. (4) At the household food security threshold of $45,000, if food prices rise by 10% and 20%, the proportion of household food insecurity in non-agricultural households in Taiwan will increase by 3.1% and 7.6%, respectively. If affected by global food or financial crises such as those of 2006-2009, where food price rose by 10%, non-food prices by 5%, and total household expenditures fell by 1.5%, the proportion of food insecurity in non-agricultural households may increase by 4.9%. (5) In general, low-income households, families with lower disposable income, single adults, single-parent families, and intergenerational families are more vulnerable to food insecurity. (6) Overall, non-food price increases have the greatest impact on household food security for non-agricultural households. However, for low-income households, a rise in food prices impacts household food security at a much higher degree compared to a rise in non-food prices or a decline in total household expenditure. According to these results, this study recommends that the government focus on household food security research and monitoring, and track fluctuations in international and domestic food prices to establish necessary measures that ensure household food security in Taiwan. Additionally, current government social welfare policies focus on low-income households and disabled or lone seniors in mid-to-low-income households, but it is recommended that focus also be put on food-insecure households with higher levels of food security vulnerability, such as single adults, single-parent families, and inter-generational families. Although many social welfare measures have been established for vulnerable families, non-agricultural households are still suffering from the impacts of past global food and financial crises and food security levels continue to deteriorate. The government should draw up relevant response plans to cope with emergency impacts on household food security. Finally, this study recommends that the government re-examine standards for social welfare based on the impacts of family structure on average per capita utility.


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