  • 學位論文

新型態農技產品與農產品電子商務營運之研究 —以庭茂公司為例

A Case Study of The E-Commerce Strategy of Plant Factory

指導教授 : 李賢源


在網際網路快速成長之際,網路購物已經成為現代人重要的消費方式,但生鮮農產品及農產加工品的網路消費成長趨勢卻相對緩慢。隨著生產時間、生產地點、生產方式、包裝與運送方式的不同,再加上農產品具有容易腐壞且不易保存及運送的特性,農產品的價格和品質很容易會出現差異。消費者在無法看到或碰觸到實品的情況下,通常僅能就有限的資訊型態對商品外觀、口感、口味、新鮮度等特質的想像,對消費者來說,線上訂購農產品這件事情,本身就存在著商品品質與預期有落差的風險,不見得每次都能在消費過程中獲得正向的經驗。這些因素導致生鮮農產品的網路消費,在網際網路購物已經如此蓬勃發展的今天,仍受到極大的限制。 本研究以庭茂公司為例,探討一種新型態的農業生技公司,透過對個案公司的研究,有助於瞭解消費者對網路生鮮農產品及農產加工品的消費偏好與取向,並對植物工廠這類新型態的農業生技公司,未來於電子商務平臺銷售時的策略提出建議。   研究結果發現,雖網際網路的運用使植物工廠業者能以成本較低的方式觸及更多的潛在客群,然而植物工廠的商品價格因成本考慮而較傳統農法而得者高出許多,若純粹靠經營品牌網站、社群網站、線上廣告或媒體曝光,似乎仍無法凸顯產品的差異性及價值感,與建立消費者對商品及品牌的認同感,讓他們願意購買植物工廠出產的商品。設置實體店點,以面對面的接觸到消費者,從而以專業的解說來教育消費者,達到提升產品價值感、刺激消費的目的,目前看來似乎是個不得不的投資。發揮實體通路、自家官網及合作的線上購物平臺之間的奏效,進一步推升品牌聲量。   因本研究為以庭茂為單一研究場域之個案研究,研究結果或較適用於客觀經營條件及目標客群皆與庭茂相似度較高的植物工廠業者。若在不同的時空條件或背景下,其他實行類似策略的植物工廠業者,不見得都能達到與庭茂一樣的成效。後續學者可考慮朝追蹤此個案於電子商務策略上的轉變,對其電子商務的業績及目標客群之線上消費行為所造成的影響,或是以增加個案數目、擴增研究物件類型的方式,探討是否具有適用於各類型植物工廠業者之一般性電子商務營運方針。此外,亦可針對特定類型植物工廠的消費者,進行量化調查,藉此取得資料以對影響電子商務平臺營運之因素進行更精確的分析。


Ever since the booming of internet, online shopping for sure has become one of the most important shopping channels to general consumers nowadays. Yet, the growth of shopping fresh or processed goods online is still relatively slow. Due to the difference in production timing, place, and method, and the ways of packaging and delivery, plus that fact that fresh agricultural products can erode easily and thus hard to preserve and deliver, the price and quality of such products can vary much. Under the circumstances when to actually touch or see the real goods is not allowed, consumers can only build up their perceptions toward the features, e.g. appearance, texture, taste, flavor, or freshness, of the real goods with really limited information. To consumers, ordering fresh agricultural products online puts them at risk of suffering from the gap of expectation and reality. Positive experience is not guaranteed. All these possible defects hugely limit the consumption of such fresh products online. This research deeply dives into the enterprise, Nice Green, a new type of “farms” cultivating plants using advanced technology in plant factory, in order to understand consumers’ preference and intention in shopping the products from plant factories like Nice Green online and offer advice in future strategy of e-commerce. This study have shown that, although the online channels allow plant factories to get access to more potential clients at a relatively lost cost, due to the higher pricing, the value of their products and consumers’ recognition of the brand itself and products still can’t be leveled up even if these enterprises spent much efforts in social media and company website or tried to get more exposure online through social media or advertisement, leading to a lower purchase intent. Face to face contacts on site, educating and illustrating the pros of products, at retail channels seems to be a must, as it’s the only way to enhance the product value and boost up purchase intention. The synergy of offline and online channels shall therefore be created. This study is formed based on the case study of single enterprise. The result shall be referred by those plant factories that are more similar to the Nice Green. If under different operational settings or background, other plant factories who intend to apply similar strategies may not receive the same outcome as Nice Green. It’s suggested to track the possible impact of the transformation of e-commerce strategy of Nice Green on the online shopping behavior of their target audience, or enlarge the size of case study, including more types or numbers of players in the market, to dig out if there’s a common strategy that can be applied among different types of plant factories. Nonetheless, to conduct quantitative research among consumers of certain type of plant factory shall allow for a more precise analysis in factors that may affect the revenue and strategy of the e-commerce platform.


一、 中文部份
1. 方煒,2011。「話說『植物工廠』」。「農業推廣手冊」。67輯。臺灣大學農業推廣委員會。
2. 方煒(譯),2011(原作者:古在豐樹)。「太陽光型植物工廠-永續性的先進植物工廠」。豐年社。ISBN 978-957-9157-49-0。(原著出版年:2009)
3. 方煒(譯),2011(原作者:高辻正基)。「完全控制型植物工廠」。豐年社。ISBN 978-957-9157-54-4。(原著出版年:2010)
4. 王柏程,2011。「有機產業關係品質、消費情境與再次造訪意願之研究-以農夫市集為例」。碩士論文,高雄餐旅學院餐飲管理研究所。
