  • 學位論文


Evaluation of Learning Outcomes on Fireflies Conservation Education Curriculum in Kinmen

指導教授 : 袁孝維
共同指導教授 : 劉奇璋




Ministry of Education in Taiwan has indicated that “environment” is one of the 19 important issues which must fuse with main subjects in secondary education. However, in most schools, environmental education curricula have been held in the form of one-shot speech or lectures. Would this form of environmental education curricula be an efficient way to help students improve their environmental literacy in 5 vectors including environmental awareness, knowledge, attitudes, action skills and action intentions? In this study, a 90-minute curriculum was designed and implemented in 5 junior high schools in Kinmen to promote the conservation of fireflies. Each student was given a pretest, a posttest and a follow-up test. Then, the short-term and long-term learning outcomes were analyzed to tell the progress after the curriculum. The results indicated that students’ environmental literacy improved significantly in environmental awareness, knowledge, attitudes and action skills. However, these learning outcomes faded away after 4 months and only environmental knowledge in follow-up test were higher than that in pretest significantly. Other vectors showed no difference between pretest and follow-up test. In brief, through this study, we conclude that if the students do not have continuous stimulus and direct interaction with the environment in environmental education curriculum, one-shot speech or lectures will not reach the ultimate goal, changing behaviors of human beings, of environmental education. As the Directions Governing for the 12-year Basic Education Curricula will be implemented in 2019, in-service teachers can design more systematic curricula with more diverse activities to reinforce the learning outcomes and insure the retention effects.


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白惠芳、林梅琴、陳慧娟、張文哲(譯)(2011)。教育心理學:學習者的發展與成長(第六版)(原作者:J. E. Ormrod)。臺北市:洪葉文化(原著出版年:2008)。
