  • 學位論文


Design of Reflection-Type Compact Optical System with Wide Field of View

指導教授 : 林晃巖


目前相機系統幾乎均為折射式,然而隨著使用者對於輕薄與廣視場角之功能漸漸的重視下,一般折射式光學系統很難同時兼具此兩種特性。本研究以反射式光學系統為主,藉由光學軟體來設計此系統,使其兼具輕薄與廣視場角特性。本文先介紹如何評估成像品質、設計流程以及表面特性,作為從事光學設計領域的基礎性知識。 本研究從低規格到高規格進行模擬設計,其中探討系統規格設定、初始架構建立、優化方法以及成像結果分析。目前已完成400×400畫素的設計。於結論中,藉由統整與分析設計流程與規格數據,本研究方法預期能夠從事更高規格之設計。 除了光學設計之外,由於人眼對於視覺感官的需求提升,因此本研究亦結合影像處理技術來校正旋轉光軸對稱之光學系統所引起的畸變現象。本篇論文探討演算法的設計概念以及校正結果與分析。此演算法成功地將畸變量72%校正為-2.8%畸變的影像,其證實此演算法涵蓋較廣的可校正範圍。 隨著相機具有輕薄與廣視場角特性之潮流,期盼未來反射式光學系統的發展以及結合校正影像處理的能力,能夠基於此研究的論點作為更深入性的研究。


At present, slimmer cameras are highly required according to reducing the thickness of mobile phone and cameras with wide field of view are also increasing demand for it includes lots of imaging information. However, almost imaging systems used in camera lens are the refractive-type and nowadays the refractive systems are unable to become slim and wide field of view. The study presents a design approach of the reflective optical system to overcome this bottleneck. The thesis, at first, introduces the evaluation of imaging performance, the design procedure and the characteristics of surfaces in the system as the based knowledge in the optical design. In the study, the reflective optical system is simulated from basic specification to high specification according to the setup of system specification, the design of the initial structure, optimization approach and the analysis of imaging performance. Based on the optical design method, the reflective optical system can be feasible for 400×400 resolution. From managing and analyzing the outcome of simulation, it shows that the approach can be expandable to the higher specification expectedly. In addition to optical design, the study also develops the algorithm which can calibrate the distortion image the symmetrical optical system generates. The thesis indicates the design concept of the algorithm and the analysis. As a result, the algorithm successfully calibrates the distortion of 72% to -2.8%, which denotes the ability of calibration is much powerful. In the tide of slim and wide field of view cameras, based on the argument in the research, it anticipates the reflective optical system with calibration algorithm can develop much further and deeper.


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