  • 學位論文


A Study of Renewable Energy Policy in Taiwan: the Development of Solar Photovoltaic Industry

指導教授 : 趙永茂


探討我國再生能源政策,台灣能源百分之98仰賴進口,能源轉型勢在必行,所以能源政策是政治經濟,也是國家安全的議題。台灣可再生能源當中,最具發展優勢的就是太陽光電產業,主要的原因在於台灣位處亞熱帶地區,年日照180天以上,發電效率良好;夏季正午日光照射最強烈時,恰巧是太陽能發電效率最佳的時候,可以補足尖峰用電的需求,緩減用電備載容量的吃緊;具有相關高科技產業的支持,完整的太陽光電產業供應鏈,對於技術提升和降低成本,具有產業發展的潛力。 綜觀太陽光電產業發展,有賴以國家政策的獎勵與扶持,才能維繫產業的發展;電價的合理調整,才是產業永續發展的根基。國家政策目標的落實執行,整個國家土地規劃、環保法規的友善,才能吸引民間企業與資金的投入,推動整體產業的發展。太陽能發電功率是間歇性的能源,是相對不穩定的電力,對於台電的電力調度與成本控制,具有高難度的挑戰;台電是能源轉型與再生能源發展,是最重要的執行單位,應轉型成輔助民間太陽能業者,支援協助與諮詢服務角色。智慧電網的建構、智慧電錶的裝設,已刻不容緩,有助於輸電調度和緩解電力需求。 政府在太陽能電廠推動執行上,目前最大的瓶頸是土地問題;由於土地電廠裝置,只限定於不利耕作區、地層下陷、受汙染區等,限縮了太陽能電廠的設置。推動「公民電廠」,藉由公民參與達成能源轉型,立意良善但施行未見成效,因為政策宣導不足和執行細則不明確,而無法達到效果。尤其,台灣屬於海島型獨立電網,無法與其他國家併聯,所以太陽能儲電技術研發,降低電池成本、提升功能性與多元化的運用,是再生能源產業永續發展的關鍵。國家開發基金可以投資再生能源產業的整合,例如先前國家開發基金投資半導體產業,造就了世界頂尖的企業。 現今我國的太陽光電產業都是以中小企業為主,資源相對有限,企業轉型與經營形態較為保守,政府應及早規劃2025年,國內裝置量完成20GW後,整個太陽光電產業如何因應。協助企業轉型成為服務性的產業,透過太陽能案場的前期規劃、中期建置、後期維運,整合太陽能系統所需模組、零組件及智慧雲端監控平台,提高服務品質。以及輸出太陽光電發展的經驗,進而轉化經營模式,推展成為台灣軟實力。


Since 98 percent of Taiwan’s energy relies on importing from other countries, the energy transition is a must-done policy in Taiwan. As a result, energy policies are both politico-economical and national security issues. Within all the renewable energy in Taiwan, the solar power industry has its advantages. First, Taiwan is situated in the subtropical area, and Taiwan has more than 180 days of sunshine. Furthermore, the peak of electrical use coincides with the period where solar power systems generate electricity efficiently. Moreover, solar power in Taiwan has the support from high technological industries, and it also has the consummate supply chain in solar photovoltaic industry. Consequently, Taiwan has the potential capability to develop advanced technology to lower the cost. Overall, the solar power industries in Taiwan relies on the support of governmental policies. Moreover, to have a sustainable future, a reasonable price on the electricity must be made. The solar power system is relatively unstable energy. As a result, it is a challenge for Taiwan Power Company to control the cost and to manage the distribution of the electricity. Taiwan Power Company is an important executive unit in Taiwan’s road to energy transitional; therefore, Taiwan Power Company should transform into a supportive unit to help local solar power companies. Furthermore, the installation of intelligent grids and smart meters is urgent since it will help the management in transporting electricity and relieve the need for electricity. It is the limited land that the government encounters in the development of solar power plants. The development of solar power plants is limited in unfavorable farming areas, land subsidence areas, and contaminated areas; as a result, it also limits the installation of solar power plants. The government wants to promote Community Renewable Energy Projects to achieve energy transition through citizens; however, it is not an effective policy because of the unclear executive rules and the low understandings in the public. Moreover, since Taiwan is an independent island grid, Taiwan is unable to use electricity in parallel with other countries. Therefore, technological developments in solar batteries and the storage of solar power becomes crucial. Furthermore, the national developmental fund is a strategy to integrate investments in renewable energy industries. Nowadays, there are mostly small and medium enterprises in solar photovoltaic industry. Therefore, the government should have a plan on how to help those enterprises transform into service industries after the goal of 20GW installation in solar power has achieved in 2025. Through sharing the experience in developing solar power and transforming the business mode in solar photovoltaic industry, solar power can become a soft power in Taiwan.


王琪、唐小莉、陳仁德譯,Franz Alt著,2005,《太陽電力公司:新能源‧新就業機會》,臺北:新自然主義。
