  • 學位論文


StrengthGaming: Improving Strength Training Experience with Game Control Mapping and Dynamic Repetition Tempo Variation

指導教授 : 陳彥仰


重量訓練具備諸多好處,不僅可以改善人的整體健康狀況、身形體態,也能提升在其他運動上的表現。透過訓練菜單的調整,如組數、重複次數、組間休息時間、重量、訓練速度(節奏)等,可以達到不同的訓練目的。近年來,重量訓練越來越流行,但也很容易就缺乏動力持續訓練,因此,我們嘗試利用遊戲來保持人們重訓的動力。由於重量訓練動作的高重複性,設計適合重量訓練的遊戲比起其他運動來得有挑戰性,我們嘗試透過動作與遊戲控制間的映射將重訓動作與現有遊戲結合,接著使用訓練節奏的動態變化來提升遊戲的娛樂性。 我們進行了 20 人的調查,了解人如何對應重量訓練動作與遊戲控制,並以重量訓練動作特性的角度,分析了 3 個平台上共 335 款熱門遊戲,挑出適合的遊戲設計方向。我們建構了一個遊戲原型,使用穿戴式的感測器來偵測動作並控制遊戲化身。接著,使用 scaling+shuffling 的方式在維持訓練量的條件下為遊戲提供訓練節奏的變化。透過 24 人參與的實驗,結果表明訓練節奏的動態變化設計比起固定節奏更有娛樂性 (p<0.01),也較為受到參與者的歡迎。


Strength training improves overall health, well-being, physical appearance, and sports performance, with training programs specifying variables such as sets, repetitions, rest time, weight, and tempo.Strength training becomes more and more popular, but it's also easy to quit.Therefore, we try to utilize gamification to keep people motivated to workout.Since entertaining gamification of strength training is challenging due to its repetitive nature, we try to combine strength training motions to exsiting gameplay by game control mapping, and then use dynamic tempo variation technique to improve gameplay experience. We conducted a 20-person study to understand how people map strength training motions to possible game controls, and analyzed 335 top games from 3 gaming platforms with perspective of strength training to identify candidate gameplays.We developed a prototype game, which uses a wearable orientation sensor to track the repetition tempo to control avatars.Then, we used scaling+shuffling technique to provide tempo variation on strength training while preserving the training volume for our prototype game.Results from our 24-person user study showed that dynamic tempo was significantly more entertaining than fixed tempo (p<0.01), and was preferred by participants.


1. Wii fit plus. http://wiifit.com/, October 2009. Nintendo, Tokyo, Japan.
2. egym gmbh, 2010. EGYM Inc., Colorado, U.S.
3. Pavigym prama, 2010. EXERGAME FITNESS, Illinois, U.S.
4. Flappybird. https://flappybird.io/, May 2013. dotGears.
5. Symgym, 2013. SymGym., Chicago, U.S.
