  • 學位論文


Rural Retirement Real Estate in a PPP Mode——A Survey for Anji County of Zhejiang Province in Mainland China

指導教授 : 葉國俊
共同指導教授 : 林雅淇(Ya-Chi Lin)


自1978年末改革開放以來,人口城市化與老齡化已成為中國大陸人口發展的兩大主題。中國大陸從成年型社會(1980年)轉為老年型社會(1999年)僅用了19年,速度遠遠超過一些已開發國家。在中國大陸現有的養老方式中,居家養老仍然是主流,也有老人選擇社區養老或者機構養老。但是目前這些傳統養老方式仍有不足之處。為了彌補養老市場的空白,一種新型的養老模式——養老地產橫空出世。但目前,養老地產大多建在城市或者城市郊區,實現盈利的少之又少。 位於中國大陸浙江省的安吉縣是上海、杭州等大都市周邊的一個小縣城。安吉縣自然環境優美,旅遊業發達,是習近平著名的「兩山」理論的發源地。此外,安吉縣在養老地產以及民間參與公共建設(PPP)項目建設上已經小有成績。本研究想要探索在安吉縣發展養老地產PPP項目的優劣勢,要成功落地的因素以及未來該如何更好地推動該項目順利進行。 本研究通過問卷調查法訪問了一些與養老地產或者PPP項目有關的安吉當地的政府部門、企業以及金融機構。最後發現,相比城市,鄉村養老地產PPP項目最大的優勢是「田園綜合體」概念的融入,而最大的挑戰是短期回本慢。在參與的三方主體機構中投資以及建設方工作滿意度最高。在未來開發養老地產PPP項目的時候,政府應該利用好「田園綜合體」試點項目的優勢,簡化審批流程簡化、增加財政等補助或減免稅收等。在選擇合作的民營機構時應當選擇經驗相對豐富的機構合作。政府投入資金佔總資金的20%~30%最適宜,特許期為10~20年最適合。


Urbanization and aging have become two major themes of population development in mainland China since 1980s. Mainland China has entered an aging society in less than twenty years, faster than most of developed countries. Home-based care and community support or institutionis still the mainstream choice for the old people in mainland China. Based on existing gap that supply cannot suitful for the demand, a new model —— Retirement Real Estate is established and proposed by Chinese authority according to the so-called "Public Private Partnership (PPP)" mode. Anji is a small county near Shanghai and Hangzhou. With its beautiful natural environment and developed tourism, Anji has been the model of Xi Jinping's famous "Two Mountains Theory". Besides, Anji has made some achievements in old-age care real estate and PPP projects. According to the method of questionnaire investigation and some in-depth interviews with some actors (local government departments, enterprises and financial institutions), the biggest competition for PPP projects in rural areas is the integration of the concept of "farmland integration", while the biggest challenge is the slow cost recovery in the short term compared with cities. In addition, the investment and construction parties have the highest satisfaction among the participating institutions. Futhermore, the government should take advantage of the pilot projects of "rural complex" to simplify the approval process and to increase financial subsidies or tax cuts. For the private institutions, the most appropriate licensing period is from 10 to 20 years to participate the PPP projects.


