  • 學位論文


Public-Private Collaboration from the Perspective of Institutional Capability: A Case Study of Wangxiang Tribe, Sinyi Township

指導教授 : 彭立沛
共同指導教授 : 林如森(Ju-Sen Lin)


在自然資源管理方式改變以及原住民族權益提升的環境下,自然資源管理單位與原住民部落的關係備受關注。而位在南投縣信義鄉的望鄉部落,其後山與傳統獵場現隸屬於國立臺灣大學生物資源暨農學院附屬實驗林(以下簡稱臺大實驗林)管轄,雙方以往關係相當對立與冷漠,但自2010年始雙方進入公私協力,建立合作關係,關係明顯改善。因此,本研究以望鄉部落為個案,進行文獻分析、半結構式深度訪談,以協力治理模型分析望鄉部落與臺大實驗林公私協力的過程,並引入Healey協力規劃理論中制度能力概念,檢視望鄉部落在經過公私協力後知識資源、關係資源、動員能力的改變。 結果發現望鄉部落與臺大實驗林的公私協力在關係改善以及可常態性的山林巡守有所成效,對於望鄉部落的制度能力方面,在山林保護方面的制度能力增長較多,而在部落發展方面的制度能力則因為經濟誘因不足以及望鄉部落內部政治環境而有進步的空間。


In the context of changes in natural resource management and the promotion of indigenous rights, the relationship between natural resource management units and indigenous tribes has attracted much attention. The mountain and traditional hunting grounds of Wangxiang tribe, Xinyi Township, Nantou County, are now under the jurisdiction of the National Taiwan University Experimental Forest (NTU Experimental Forest). Since 2010, NTU Experimental Forest and Wangxiang tribe have entered into public-private collaboration to establish a cooperative relationship, and the relationship has improved significantly. Therefore, this study takes Wangxiang tribe as a case, conducts literature analysis and semi-structured in-depth interviews, and uses the collaborative governance model to analyze the process of public-private collaboration between Wangxiang tribe and NTU Experimental Forest. Besides, researcher introduces the concept of institutional capacity in Healey collaborative planning theory to examine the changes in knowledge resources, relationship resources, and mobilization capability of the Wangxiang tribe after public-private collaboration. Finally, researcher found that the public-private collaboration of the Wangxiang Tribe and the NTU Experimental Forest has been effective in improving the relationship and the regularity of the mountain forest patrol. For the institutional capacity of the Wangxiang Tribe, the institutional capacity in mountain forest protection has increased more, and the institutional capacity for tribal development has room for improvement due to insufficient economic incentives and the political environment within the Wangxiang tribe.


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