  • 學位論文


Step-by-Step Guidelines for Making Smart Contract Smarter

指導教授 : 吳家麟


不同於傳統執行於本地電腦或雲端的程序,區塊鏈上的智能合約通常執行於礦工的設備;因此,智能合約的使用者必須支付手續費(以太坊區塊鏈上稱為油錢)給礦工讓礦工執行區塊鏈上的交易。然而,目前使用者缺乏足夠的經驗開發低成本、高效能的智能合約,此為智能合約的發展中的一大挑戰。在此論文中,我們整理了現有的降低油錢成本的方法及提出一些新的作法,並提供了一套系統性的步驟指南讓使用者可以開發低成本的智能合約。為了證明此提出方法的功能,我們用一個複雜且昂貴的智能合約—ZoKrates 驗證合約,展示我們如何有效的降低智能合約的成本。


以太坊區塊鏈 Solidity 油錢 ZoKrates


Different from traditional programs, which run on local machines or in the clouds, smart contracts run mostly on miners’ devices; moreover, users of smart contracts have to pay fees (i.e., gases in Ethereum) to miners for executing transactions on the blockchain. Lacking of enough experiences in developing smart contracts makes write low cost and high efficiency smart contracts becoming a very challenging task. In this work, by collating existed approaches and developing new methods for reducing gas consumption, a set of systematical step-by-step guidelines for developing low cost smart contracts is proposed. To prove its usefulness, ZoKrates verifier, a very complicated and costly contract, is used to demonstrate how our scheme can effectively cut the gas consumption down.


Ethereum Blockchain Solidity gas ZoKrates


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