  • 學位論文


How Different Augmented Feedback Designs Affect Visually Impaired Learners' Reading Comprehension of Image

指導教授 : 林維真


視障者在閱讀或學習圖像時,主要仰賴觸覺和聽覺取得零碎的資訊以發展概念知識,然而觸覺與聽覺無法像視覺一樣同時感知全面的資訊,因此易導致視障學習者在閱讀含大量圖像的書籍時遭遇阻礙。過去研究已確認結合觸覺與聽覺的閱讀有助於視障者建立較完整的心像及圖像理解,但對觸聽覺在時序與資訊內容上應如何搭配則未有詳細探索。基於上述研究背景,本研究希望運用擴增實境技術設計不同型態的觸聽覺回饋,以提供視障學習者圖像閱讀支援;首先進行專家訪談確認並評估原型系統的閱讀指導功能,接著邀請視障者參與使用者實驗以檢驗原型系統支援圖像閱讀理解的表現,藉此提出適用的擴增回饋設計。 本研究採設計導向研究方法,首先根據文獻探討與專家訪談分析圖像閱讀指導策略及發展觸聽覺擴增回饋原型系統,並進行專家訪談與評估,統整八名視障教學者的圖像閱讀指導經驗與評估意見,以完成紙本原型系統修改。之後邀請共三位視障者參與使用者實驗,實際使用紙本原型系統閱讀含大量氣象主題圖像的書籍,並記錄其閱讀行為與表現,以瞭解在擴增回饋的輔助下,視障學習者閱讀理解圖像的成效和方式。 研究結果顯示,在視障學習者觸圖時提供立即的聽覺回饋有助於學習者閱讀圖像,因此提供觸覺與聽覺同步的回饋可輔助視障學習者理解圖像資訊;但觸覺和聽覺資訊的呈現方式均須經簡化及調整,以便視障學習者充分理解圖像內容。使用者實驗結果則指出,擴增回饋可輔助視障學習者觸讀並理解圖像;受試者在閱讀過程中不僅成功產生心像形成適當概念,且在記憶、聯想與推論的認知表現上也較過去提升,亦重複出現積極的閱讀行為,而在態度上也肯定本研究擴增回饋原型的效能與效率。在方法與設計方面,本研究運用設計導向研究方法,整合文獻、閱讀指導者與讀者等不同面向的意見與表現,兼具質性與量性的資料蒐集分析,對擴增回饋支援視障學習者圖像閱讀提出實證研究支持。而根據研究結果歸納確認的圖像閱讀指導策略,亦能作為實務上提供教學回饋的具體參考依據。


While reading or learning images, the visually impaired mainly rely on their senses of touch and hearing to obtain information for concept development. However, unlike sense of sight, information accessed through touching and hearing is often fragmented and discrete due to the nature of perception, and therefore causing barriers and loadings for visually impaired readers especially when reading materials with a large number of images. Previous studies have confirmed that combined tactile and auditory information beneficial for the visually impaired to build mental imagery, but how the mechanism worked have not yet been fully explored. Based on the abovementioned issues, this study aims to design different types of augmented feedback with augmented reality (AR) technology to provide image reading support for visually impaired learners. The methodology of design-based research was adopted in this study. First of all, literature on image reading and instructional strategies were reviewed and analyzed to form theoretical conjecture of the AR system. Secondly, a paper prototype with tactile and auditory feedback was developed, and reviewed by 8 experts with backgrounds in special education. Their teaching experiences, strategies toward different levels of learners, and the materials or tools used to facilitate their teaching were inquired. Based on feedback from the experts, modification of the paper protype was made. Lastly, the protype was tested by 3 visually impaired learners in user experiments through reading meteorological books with a lot of images. During experiments, learners’ reading behaviors and performance were recorded, and usability evaluations were conducted to understand effectiveness of the augmented feedback designs. Results of the study showed that providing synchronous auditory feedback to the visually impaired when they touch the images helped them read better and faster. However, tactile and auditory information need to be simplified and adjusted in order for them to apprehend images in a rather short period of time. The results of user experiments indicated that augmented feedback assisted visually impaired readers in touching and comprehending images. For instance, participants not only succeeded in forming appropriate mental imagery and concepts, but improved their cognitive performance including memory, association and inference toward the content. Methodologically, this empirical study adopted a design-based research method to investigate and integrate opinions and performance from diverse stakeholders by collecting both qualitative and quantitative data to form a comprehensive and detailed view regarding augmented feedback for the visually impaired. Moreover, the instructional strategies for image reading concluded by this study could serve as useful reference for field practices.


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