  • 學位論文


News Representation of Gay Marriage Legalization

指導教授 : 林照真


2019年,臺灣成為亞洲第一個同性婚姻合法化的國家。推動婚姻平權是一條漫長的道路,新聞媒體在其中扮演關鍵角色,同婚相關事件則屢次登上媒體版面。本文試圖釐清,新聞媒體於再現同志婚姻時,是否隨著同婚法制化進程發展,改變新聞報導偏向。 本論文採用文本分析法,檢視臺灣四大報《中國時報》、《聯合報》、《自由時報》和《蘋果日報》自2013年6月1日至2021年5月31日期間,與同志婚姻相關的新聞報導文本,隨著同婚進程的階段變化,並進一步將相關新聞報導分類統計,觀察報導趨勢。 本論文歸納出以下結果:一、媒體報導同婚立場受法制化影響極大。二、同婚權益報導議題集中,若干權益受到忽視。三、媒體負面再現同婚逐漸淡化。四、部份新聞報導仍具刻板印象。研究結果說明,媒體確實受到同婚法制化進程影響,逐漸改變報導方式,採用新的再現方式呈現報導中的同志,不過部份新聞內容,仍存有對同志的刻板印象。


In 2019, Taiwan has become the first country that legalizes same-sex marriage in Asia. Advocating same-sex marriage is a long road, and the media have been playing a vital role in reporting marriage equality events. This research aims to figure out whether the media have transformed the position to same-sex marriage and the stereotypes of the homosexual group during the legalization of gay marriage period of time. Based on text analysis, the research reviews four major newspaper in Taiwan: “ China Times ” , “ The Liberty Times” , “ United Daily News ” and “ Apple Daily News ” from 1st June 2013 to 31st May 2021. The research reviews the transformation of the same-sex marriage news text and classifies related news to observe the trends of the news coverage. This paper concludes with the following results: First, the legalization of same-sex marriage has a great impact on the position of gay marriage news coverage. Second, the rights of same-sex marriage reports are centralized in certain issues, the others are overlooked. Third, the negative media representation of same-sex marriage gradually declined. Fourth, some same-sex marriage news remains stereotypes. The research shows that media perspectives have been influenced due to the legalization of same-sex marriage indeed, however, part of the related news still includes the stereotypes of same-sex marriage.


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