  • 學位論文


The Factors Associated with the Motivation to Learning Medical Humanities: Major, Gender, and Epistemic Beliefs

指導教授 : 陳彥元


「醫學人文」是在醫學教育範疇內一個重要領域,研究顯示,接觸醫學人文可幫助醫師、醫學生來應對壓力、減少倦怠,培養韌性和促進幸福感。學生的「知識信念」,也就是學生如何看待知識、獲取知識、建構自己的知識體系,會影響學生的學習成效、學習方法,包含他們的學習動機。本研究以問卷調查為基礎,使用修改後的醫學知識信念量表,研究對象為台大醫學院醫學人文課程的一年級學生。以學生參與醫學人文課程的體驗式學習活動次數多寡來表示其具有深度學習動機(參與次數多,致力於學習)或淺層學習動機(參與次數少,以合格為目標)。以探索性因素分析驗證本研究問卷的建構效度,並計算Cronbach’s α值以檢驗每個構面的內部一致性信度。以獨立樣本t檢定、卡方檢定,及多變數邏輯回歸分析等統計方法,探討學生的知識信念、科系、性別,與學習動機之關聯。本研究共收集172份有效問卷,其中130位參與者是醫學系學生(75.58%),42位參與者是非醫學系學生(24.42%),有110位是男性(63.95%),62位是女性。研究結果發現,與非醫學系學生相比,醫學系學生更不可能具有深度學習動機(調整勝算比= 0.29, p = 0.02),對醫學知識的確定性抱持簡單信念者,更不可能具有深度學習動機(調整勝算比= 0.43, p = 0.04),對醫學專家的可性度抱持簡單信念者,更可能具有深度學習動機(調整勝算比= 2.30, p = 0.01)。男醫學生比女醫學生更不可能具有深度學習動機(調整勝算比= 0.26, p = 0.01)。本研究的貢獻在於驗證醫學知識信念問卷之信效度,可提供日後相關研究使用,並發現在醫學人文課程,學生的知識信念、科系,與性別,都是學習動機的影響因子,建議第一線教師及課程制定者,能留意這些因素在醫學人文教育中的角色,營造合適的教學環境,深化學生對醫學人文的學習動機。


Introduction: By learning medical humanities, students are expected to be culturally competent, empathetic, and capable of thinking critically. Therefore, understanding medical students’ learning medical humanities becomes an essential issue. Epistemic beliefs are associated with comprehension of knowledge, learning outcomes, and learning behaviors. However, few studies have been conducted to examine the epistemic beliefs about medicine, and the relationships between epistemic beliefs and motivation to learning medical humanities. Objectives: The objectives were to examine the relationships among epistemic beliefs, gender, and the motivation to learning medical humanities for medical and non-medical students. Design: We used the modified Epistemic Beliefs About Medicine questionnaire to measure epistemic beliefs. The motivation to learning medical humanities was indicated by whether the students participated in more than two experiential learning activities for medical humanities. Exploratory factor analysis was used to validate the construct validity. Student’s t-test and Chi-squared test were employed to compare the differences between medical and non-medical students. Multivariate logistic regression was conducted to examine the relationships between the epistemic beliefs about medicine and motivation to learning medical humanities. Results: 172 first-year medical and non-medical students consented to participate in this study. The students, holding more simplistic epistemic belief about the credibility of medical knowledge, tended to be learners with surface motivation (OR=0.43, p=.04). While the students with the simplistic epistemic belief of credibility of medical experts were more likely to be learners with deep motivation (OR=2.30, p=.01). Medical students were less likely to be learners with deep motivation than non-medical students (OR= 0.29, p=.02). Male medical students were less likely to be learners with deep motivation than their female counterpart (OR= 0.26, p=.01). Conclusions: Given that learning medical humanities is expected to cultivate the elements for being a good doctor such as empathy, the educational strategies for promoting medical students’ motivation to learn medical humanities are highly encouraged.


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