  • 學位論文


Representing May 13: The Politics of Memory in Selected Malaysian and Malaysian Diasporic Texts

指導教授 : 柏逸嘉


本論文旨在探討於五一三事件相關的記憶中有爭議性的部分,采選了部分馬來西亞文學文本與馬來西亞離散文學文本的內容,對其如何再現與重塑相關記憶展開研究。五一三事件指的是於1969年5月13日在馬來西亞第三屆全國大選以後,所爆發的一系列暴力衝突。論文第一章通過對官方歷史記載和非官方歷史文獻記載的並列對比,來對該歷史事件的歷史記憶展開梳理。本章節也檢視了1970年代的歷史學家如何使用包含了階級與種族議題的論證框架,來挑戰官方對於該事件的種族化詮釋。而近來的口述歷史項目,也是通過給予倖存者言說的空間來挑戰該論證框架。第二章主要介紹了林玉玲(Shirley Geok-lin Lim)的小說《馨香與金箔》(Joss and Gold)如何將五一三事件描繪為一個劃時代的事件—一個標誌了向種族中心主義轉換的國族認同的事件。不僅是這部小說,林玉玲在其他作品也強調了此事件的深遠意義。此外,本章節也通過關注美國帝國在亞洲各個地點的運作痕跡,來探討此小說如何將五一三事件重置在更廣泛的冷戰和亞際背景下展開討論。第三章則聚焦於普瑞妲莎瑪薩蘭(Preeta Samarasan)的小說文本《傍晚就是一天》(Evening is the Whole Day),討論其藉由對跨種族邊界的階級不平等議題的呈現,來挑戰官方對五一三事件的種族化詮釋。並分析了小說文本是如何通過其雙重敘事結構,來突出殖民歷史遺產導向此暴力衝突事件的事實。第四章著重討論韓娜奧卡芙(Hanna Alkaf)的青少年小說《我們天空的重量》(The Weight of Our Sky)中所呈現的一個公正的記憶倫理。本章節也分析了小說被改編為網絡漫畫系列時的再處理效果。第五章是對前四章所述重點的歸納與總結,並簡單對近期五一三事件的相關文本展開基本敘述與討論。另外,本章節也探討了廖克發的紀錄片《還有一些樹》是如何點出記憶的多向性,並指出此多向性促成了更多關於壓迫的故事的訴說。


This thesis investigates the contested memories of the May 13 Incident—that is, memories of the series of violent conflicts that erupted on 13 May 1969 after the third general election in postcolonial Malaysia—to examine how selected Malaysian and Malaysian diasporic texts represent and reshape memories of this event. Chapter One analyzes the contested historical memories of the May 13 Incident by focusing on the points of contention between an official report and unofficial historical texts, examining how historians writing in the 1970s have challenged the official racialized framings of this event, and highlighting how more recent oral history projects have sought to give voice to the survivors. Chapter Two foregrounds how Shirley Geok-lin Lim’s novel Joss and Gold portrays the May 13 Incident as an epochal event that marks a shift to an ethnocentric national identity in Malaysia. This chapter also attends to traces in Lim’s novel of American empire operating in various Asian sites, traces that resituate the conflict in wider Cold War and inter-Asian contexts. Chapter Three discusses how Preeta Samarasan’s novel Evening is the Whole Day challenges official racialized framings of May 13 with the discourse of class inequality that operates within and across racial boundaries. This chapter also analyzes how Samarasan’s novel, with its double narrative structure, highlights the lingering colonial legacies that led to the violent conflict. Chapter Four examines how Hanna Alkaf’s young adult novel The Weight of Our Sky strives to develop an ethics of just memory. This chapter also focuses on the effects of remediation as this novel was adapted into a webcomics series. Chapter Five concludes this thesis by attending to a recent cultural text on the May 13 Incident—Lau Kek-Huat’s documentary film The Tree Remembers—in order to delineate how it highlights memory’s multidirectionality through which additional stories of oppression may be articulated.


Works Cited
Ahmad, Zakaria Haji. “Vietnamese Refugees and ASEAN.” Contemporary Southeast Asia, vol. 1, no. 1, 1979, pp. 66-74.
Ameera Rosli. “Interview: The Weight of Our Sky Author, Hanna Alkaf, Talks to JUICE About Malaysian History, Religion, Mental Illness, and Pop Culture.” Juice, 31 Oct. 2019, https://juiceonline.com/interview-the-weight-of-our-sky-author-hanna-alkaf-talks-to-juice-about-malaysian-history-religion-mental-illness-and-pop-culture/. Accessed 5 Aug. 2021.
Amir Muhammad, director. The Big Durian. Doghouse73 Pictures, 2003.
Ang, Cheng Guan. Southeast Asia and the Vietnam War. Routledge, 2010.
